Chapter 1

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"Auntie, there is a meteor shower tonight, or what kind of thing I have seen in a hundred years. I have already made a few old classmates, ready to go to the suburbs, do you come together?" Come a little bit of a leap.

The young man sitting at the computer desk was holding his phone and microphone on his head. His hands were on the digital screen. The right hand of the pen continued to draw. He responded by saying: "The outside is too cold, not going. ""

"Thank you for being lazy, why don't you lazy to die?" As a young man's hair, and the relationship has always been the same as that of his brothers, Lu Yuan has not been hit by the youth's refusal, only to say "Well, let me take a few photos for you later."

Xie Wei responded with a few voices, waiting for the opposite person to hang up the phone first, he lifted a hand and took the microphone clipped to the ear and put it back on the phone base.

At this time, Xie Tao still wants to continue working for a while, but when his finger touches the edge of the drawing board, a stream of light glides through the place where the corner of his eye can see, and then another second -

A loud bang of "砰" shook the tympanic membrane of Xie Tao. At this moment, Xie Zhen even felt that his floor had followed the earthquake.

Lying in the trough.

The meteor came to his yard...?

Xie Wei held her baby's drawing board for a second, then he turned to look at the yard outside the window and finally decided to go out and have a look.

As soon as he walked out into the small yard outside, Xie Tao saw that the potted plants he had planted were almost the same, but he was too late to feel distressed. Xie Tao saw a pothole that was faintly golden in the ground not far away.

The sky is already a bit late, and the things that will shine will be very conspicuous in the dim environment. When Xie Tao thinks about whether or not to approach, he sees a hole in the pit that has not been smashed, and suddenly floats up. Incomparably conspicuous golden light ball.

"..." Xie Yu smacked his mouth, and his body had subconsciously stepped back.

Calm, as a qualified citizen of the 21st century, he must believe in science...

However, the power of science obviously can't save the present Xie Tao, and the floating golden ball almost immediately identifies his target.

Just like a bullet shooting at myself, the speed is too fast for Xie Tao to avoid. In the scene reflected by his pupil, the golden ball was getting bigger and bigger, and the electric phoenix hit him in a flash.

There was no pain, but Xie Tao's vision immediately darkened and fell into a darkness. When he regained consciousness, he found that the surrounding area had become a white space that could not be seen at the end.

- Science, from believing to giving up.

This space looks very unstable. In the distance that Xie Tao's eyes are far away, some of the space has even collapsed and twisted.

I feel that I am in trouble. The first thought of Xie Tao is this.

However, once this unscientific reality was accepted, Xie Tao was able to cope with the current situation. He put his gaze on the golden light ball that brought him this space.I don't know if this ball of light is a consciousness-conscious body, but the other party is the only moving object that he can touch in this space. Xie Tao can only try to communicate now: "You..."

"I am Xia Zuo, I am sorry to bring you to this space without saying hello, but only in this place, I can talk to you." The voice that sounded directly in the brain interrupted what Xie Tao wanted to say. The voice sounded very weak, and did not stop after the first sentence. "In my world, all the world lines lead to the same ending, even if I go back to the past to make all kinds of The same choice, even tried to kill the root cause of the destruction of the world... The outcome has not changed."

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