Chapter 53

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Unprepared to hear this question, Xie Zhen suddenly stunned, and revealed a trace of error. 

Adopting the little mermaid...?

I haven't been able to react for a while, and Xie Tao stopped at the place. Suddenly, I don't know how to think about this problem.

Originally, because I was a childcare worker, I nursed the cubs in the club every day. Xie Tao never thought about adopting the cubs.

But now someone asked him this question, and Xie Lili certainly fell into thinking.

"I..." Xie Yan opened a mouth to make a syllable, but still did not think about the back, the sound disappeared.

I don't know what the youth are thinking about. Xia Qi's face still maintains a serious expression, and the tone of speech is also serious: "I think if you want someone to adopt Xiao Jiaer, you are the most suitable one." "

Xia Qi can be sure that she is not alone in the club, to ask other people, the idea must be the same as her.

No way, the first word that was spoken when the mermaid cub of his family regained his voice was "Papa", shouting at the youth.

Learning the power, the first word written by the power is still these two words, not to mention that the first scale that the little mermaid took off to the youth to keep it.

"And apart from you, I think that Little Gal may not accept adoption by others." Xia Qi added another sentence.

This mermaid cub has long regarded youth as a parent. The difference between Xie Tao's adoption and non-adoption is only whether he and the cub formally establish a parent-child relationship.

Hearing the words of this statement, Xie Zhen could not help but turn his eyes to the indoor pool.

I want him to adopt this mermaid cub...

According to personal wishes, Xie Zhen is willing.

But Xie Tao couldn't help but nod his head, because he still had some concerns. For example, he didn't know if he could really be a good parent.

It is very difficult to be a good parent. Xie Tao has always thought that if he adopts this mermaid cub, can he let this little mermaid grow up happily and happily?

And compared to him, this cub will be happier if he is adopted by another family. This is the point that Xie Tao is still hesitant and uncertain.

"Let me think about it." Did not give an accurate answer, but Xie Tao's look is obviously being seriously considered.

Although Xia Qi just said that he is the most suitable, Xie Tao does not have such confidence. Adopting a cub is a matter that cannot be taken lightly. He must decide carefully.

It is seen that the youth is very willing to adopt the mermaid cub, Xia Qi will not talk much, and finally whether she adopts it, she can not substitute the other party to make this choice.

Xie Tao thought about this for a long time, and there were two voices in his mind that were arguing with each other.

When it was late to the incomprehensible content, Xie Tao shook his right hand into a fist and knocked a few times on his forehead.

After knocking out the messy thoughts outside, Xie Tao clearly went to the indoor pool. Because I heard the footsteps and swam to the pool early, the mermaid cubs gradually swayed more and more when the young people approached themselves. The blue eyes were always fixed. On the youth.


Grabbing the youth's left leg, this mermaid cub makes two clear singles, and the expression of the little face seems to be able to see the happy mood.

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