Chapter 89

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Followed by looking back, I rushed to the hall to see the young people of the young, Xia Qi stood quietly laughing and laughing.

I just saw that Xie Tao was so in a hurry. Xia Qi originally thought that something happened to the other side of the trip. There was still some worry. The result was just anxious to see the cubs...

Every time the youth are not in the club, the young cubs in the club always ask questions from time to time, especially when the tree's chubby cockroaches fly over and yell at them, Xia Qihe Other childcare workers have to helplessly lift their expressions to lick these youngsters.

Young people are particularly popular in this group of youngsters, which is already the same thing as all the staff of Yunbao Branch.

The young cubs in the club like to surround the youth, and the latter also attaches great importance to these young cubs. Xia Qi thinks this is a good thing.

"Pa ~ Pa ~"

For the first time, the tone was slightly lengthened to call the youth. The mermaid cub grabbed the hand of the young trousers and did not let go until Xie Yan bent down and held it in his arms.

Although the sound of the mermaid cub is very tender, it is very beautiful. Xie Wei lowered his head and posted the delicate and soft cheek of the little mermaid. The response was that the mermaid cub suddenly accelerated the speed of shaking the caudal fin and worked hard. I tilted my cheeks to Xie's face and pasted it.

Parents' close behavior is a manifestation of affection for young children. For this mermaid cub, it certainly has this feeling in the subconscious.

"Papa ~ Papa -" successfully put the cheek on the left side of the youth, this little mermaid blue and beautiful eyes slightly slightly, the light in the eyes can not cover, and the light can only be from the sound I heard the joy of this young child.

The cub's caudal fins were shaking all the time. Xie Tao held the little mermaid very steady, but he didn't worry that the cub would shake out of his arms.

While the mermaid cub slaps the caudal fin on him, Xie Yu vacates his right hand and gently touches the finger of the little mermaid and touches the pale gold print.

The young man touched his forehead like this, as if he was checking something, so the mermaid cub was quiet, and in the process he looked at the youth without turmoil.

After touching the gold line, the handle was lightly placed on the cub, and Xie Yi touched the soft blond hair of the little mermaid before putting his hand down.

"They...your parents are loving you." Once again told the mermaid cub, Xie Yan extended a finger to tap the pendant that was being worn on the cub. Necklace, Wen Sheng said, "This is proof that they love you."

The other mermaid cub in the world line doesn't know about this. When he grows up, he would rather get rid of the mark on his forehead than to have any connection with the Hoddy family.

This family does have a lot of discomfort. It is very cruel to treat this cub, but the parents of the little mermaid love this cub, so the family print is not just unbearable. Xie Tao wants this young child. I understand this. However, these things are too complicated for the little mermaid, but even if they have been deliberately abandoned on land and almost dehydrated and died, this mermaid cub does not know the one that they have endured. What is malicious?

If you don't understand it, it's a good thing. If you can, Xie Wei actually hopes that this little girl will not understand these things in the future. Just grow up without worrying like this.

"papa...aa...?" Remember the two square stones that the youth once pointed to themselves. The mermaid cubs still have some impressions on the black and white photos embedded in the two square stones. This little mermaid is At this time, two unclear single tones are simply issued.

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