Chapter 46

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According to the instructions of the aborigines, I walked a little further and walked through a spacious roadway. Xie Wei successfully saw the other side of the Lelo pool. 

Not yet close, Xie Tao has also seen a circle around the stage.

At first glance, the mermaid family is basically adult. Some of them are also holding cubs in their arms. There are also some people who want to come to the festival to enjoy the festival atmosphere.

Indeed, as the person said just now, this place is now very lively.

The city just entered the night, this is the time for the preparations for the festivals of Nesera Festival. Xie Tao can be said to be very coincidental, just hit this time.

The Lello Pool is an artificially created water area. The vast sites are covered by environmental simulation devices. Xie Tao is no stranger to this. This site has also been simulated as a marine environment.

The actual area of ​​the venue is much larger than the Ocean Simulation Hall in the Yunbao Branch. It can be known that the construction of the venue for this public stage must have cost a lot.

The sea at night is quiet and dark, but it was supposed to be only a dark spot of black scorpion, but a lot of small light balls with warm fluorescent light scattered and scattered on this vast ocean, suddenly added a new environment for this environment. A soft atmosphere.

In the place where the line of sight can be reached, people near the coast can see a reef standing in the sea. This reef is also a place where warm light balls gather more.

It is not far from the coast, so it is easy for people to see the whole picture of this reef.

Finally, I found a suitable place to watch in the venue. Xie Tao just stood down and heard a round of applause around.

Looking at the sight of the audience who was applauding, Xie Tao saw a small mermaid sitting on the reef in the sea.

This is the first cub to sing tonight. As the opening, the applause of everyone is also very warm.

For the mermaid pups in Xie Yu's arms, this is the first time that the cub has seen so many of his cousins ​​appear around him, and the first time he saw the cubs of the same family.

There are two parents around the same cub, and when they found out, the mermaid who was in the arms of the youth moved the tail fins and arched them into the arms of the youth.

"Yeah?" Xie Xiao lowered his head and gave a simple question to the mermaid cub.

But this little cub seems to be just relying on the arch of him. There is nothing else to say. After hearing the voice of his inquiry, he just arched his arms again.

"Oh." In response to the child's dependence, Xie Tao softened his voice.

When he finished his baby, Xie Tao raised his head again, and he vaguely heard a song from the direction of the reef.

The sound of the tidal waves turned out to be set off. The sound of the song was not really clear at first, and it became clear after a short while.

It should have been unprepared at the beginning, or it was a bit of a slap in the face. The little mermaid sitting on the reef in the sea just couldn't completely let go of the sound. Now that it's calmed down, the song is clearly communicated to everyone on the coast in. The singing of the cubs is inevitably a bit tender, but the mermaid race has a natural control over the sound. Even a cub, the singing voice has a certain rendering power, which can attract the attention of the audience.

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