Chapter 20

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It was shocked by the wealthy and bold speeches of the parents, and the staff of Yunbao Branch could not respond. 

"You can't treat this as a reward, just when I want Pepe to live in a more comfortable environment." Fuya said, this is indeed one of the reasons.

Living House is the most important building in the Cubs Nursing Club. It provides daily life for cubs. To improve the quality of life of cubs, of course, it is necessary to build a well-equipped and well-equipped living house.

Parents have talked about this, and then think about the fact that there are many shortcomings in this living house in the home club. The people have not said anything about it at this time.

After the day, the Yunbao branch ushered in a self-directed architect who was hired by the parents of Kuti's cubs.

Fortunately, there are not many other things in their clubs, and there are still quite a lot of unused open spaces.

In the old living room, a space was set next to the living room. Xie Tao discussed the design of the new house with each other in the past few days.

It didn't take long for the construction team to come over and confirm that there was no problem with the drawing design, and the construction team started construction.

Compared with the last time, this construction team used a kind of soundproofing device. No matter how loud the noise was made, the people still staying in the old house could not hear it completely. The sleeping young people would not Was noisy.

The whole construction process was silent. When Xie Tao saw the newly built house in the past, he even had the illusion that this house was out of thin air.

The new house is the design of the second-floor single-family villa. The first floor is the place for the daily life of the cub. The overall interior decoration style is very warm and bright, and the warmth is arranged in all aspects.

The hall is especially spacious, and you can put all kinds of cub toys in the hall and let the cubs play together. The new house is obviously much better than the relatively small size of the old house, which is not enough to make the young people happy.

In this way, when the weather is not good and you can't bring the cubs to the courtyard, you can have a better place in the room.

The floor of the hall is also covered with a soft blanket, which is considered to be a play area for the cubs, so the special soft blanket adds comfort.

The insulation room of the new house was built on the second floor. In addition, there was a small warehouse on the second floor to reserve some spare materials.

There is still a storage room on the first floor, but now the storage room is only a variety of daily necessities, so it will not be filled as full as before.

The rest of the ordinary facilities are available. According to Xie Zhen's request, an indoor pool was built in the new house.

Xie Tao installed the previously purchased water temperature adjustment device here, and then took the mermaid cub in the courtyard pool to the pool.

Xie Tao actually considers that the outdoor environment should be more comfortable for mermaid cubs. After all, the mermaid race originally lived in the ocean. But I think that indoors can be closer to other young cubs. Some young cubs who can swim can also play with mermaid cubs in the past. The latter is not too lonely. Xie Tao decided to build an indoor swimming pool first.

Moving the things that need to be moved in the old house to the new living house, Xie Tao and other staff members brought the cubs in the branch to the new house.

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