Chapter 66

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After the end of the battle, four unscrupulous dangerous elements were tied up and closed to a small house in the village. The Muka people who experienced this incident have now returned to normal. 

Xie Tao only felt that there was no danger, and he was glad to catch up in time.

However, he found that from the back to the village town, the Knox, who has been following the chicken and the chicken mother, has been immersed in the battle.

The mullion is miniature, and the nice side face is slightly tight, still revealing a stiff and cold feeling when fighting.

This feeling is not safe. The other party in this state reveals dangerous information that can be seen, but despite this state, this Knox is still following Xie Tao.

In fact, Xie Tao had noticed the status of this Knox on the road. However, the situation at the time was very inconvenient to interact. He thought about bringing the other party back to the village.

Back in the room, Xie Wei opened his hand to the Muka cub who gave him a low voice, and the big cub bowed his head to his arms.

Raising his hand and touching the head of this Muka cub, Xie Tao patted the bed inside, and Wen Sheng said to the cub: "Nick should sleep."

When I heard the words of the youth, the Muka cub made a very low response from the throat, scarlet eyes looked into the bed inside, and then the Muka cub was very obedient to put the body into it.

The scarlet eyes didn't make Xie Zhen feel terrible. When the Muka cub listened to the bed, Xie Wei put the quilt on the cub and patted a few times to make this Muka. The cub closes his eyes.

After the cub was finished, Xie Tao put all his attention to Yai standing in front of him.

This Knox's current state is abnormal, except that it seems to be still immersed in the battle state of the genius. From that pair, it is slightly tightening the cyan chin, and Xie Zhen feels that this Knox in front of his eyes is still like What is restrained.

It is abnormal and dangerous.

Xie Tao didn't know why this happened, but his choice at this time was to reach out and grab the Knox's left wrist.

At about the same time, Xie Tao looked at the light blue squats that were tightening the scorpion. The eyes lacked brilliance and temperature, and they looked at him unrelentingly.

For a moment, Xie Tao had the feeling that he was the prey that the hunter stared at.

In this abnormal state, this Knox is like a dangerous beast ready to tear the throat of the prey, but Xie Wei continues to look at the cyan chin, and the hand that grabs the other's wrist does not loosen. .

"Ya." Clearly read the other's name, Xie Tao's voice is very gentle, he is trying to appease this Knox.

Xie Zhen did not receive the dangerous message revealed from the other party, but this Knox has been following him on the road, and Xie Zhen believes that this danger is limited for him. Hearing the voice of the youth, and this voice read his own name, Yayi did not move, the blue eyes still looked at the opposite youth, but at this time, the squatting squat in this pair of erects can be seen to be slightly Relaxed.

Accurately receiving this reaction from the other party, Xie Yu looked at Knox, who seemed to be comforted by him a little bit, but had not completely separated from the abnormal state, and went directly to the other side.

This Knox did not resist his contact, and did not attack him when he grabbed his wrist, just staring at him.

Xie Tao will not swear, but only knows how to be a child. Now, in the face of Knox, who only needs to be appeased, he can only take the method of taking care of the young.

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