Chapter 38

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Two pieces of twisted ice crystals, twisted out of the characters of the mermaid. 

Looking at these two pieces of glances, there is a lovely ice-cold crystal. Everyone in the room now doesn't know if they should be surprised first, or should they smile.

The mermaid pups of their own clubs not only developed abilities, but also extremely rare mutated abilities, which of course is enough to make them horrified. But what do you mean by understanding the characters of the mermaid on these two ice crystals? A different kind of mood makes people can't help but smile.

This little mermaid learned the power, and immediately thought of using the power to write to their parents, although the two ice crystals are not for them, they also have a feeling of warmth.

"Can you lead the abilities without singing? Is there such a precedent in the mermaid?" The history of the mermaid race is limited, and Zheng Zhou first expressed his doubts.

When a qualified childcare worker needs to know everything about each race, but there are too many races in the entire interstellar, the basic understanding is okay, it is impossible to have a deep understanding of each race.

"I didn't know it in my memory. Actually, I didn't know." Someone replied quickly. It was Zarad who was temporarily called from the guard room by Xie Zhen. "With or without precedent, it has been proved that it is ok." It is."

It was indeed this reason. After listening to Zard's words, everyone nodded and calmed down their feelings of horror.

The singing and abilities of the mermaid should theoretically be inseparable, but the reality is already in front of them, and everyone in the room simply regards this as a wonderful miracle.

"Great..." Xia Qi was full of joy, and she was happy to be the mermaid cub from the bottom of her heart.

This little mermaid was discarded by the family. It is not difficult to think about the reason for the discarding. It is because the mermaid cub has defects in language ability.

The cubs can't talk, and without the voice, they can't grasp the power.

But now it turns out that this mermaid cub is also a very good child, no worse than other cubs. In Xia Qi's opinion, this also proves her long-standing thoughts.

The mutated ice abilities are rare and rare in the mermaid race, which has indirectly proved the talent of this mermaid cub.

After a short period of time, the ice crystals with the condensed energy finally showed signs of melting. The overall shape of the two ice crystals was still there. Xie Wei quickly took a few photos of the camera and kept them as a commemoration.

These photos, Xie Tao did not want to upload to the idea of ​​the tourist star, just thinking that he saved it, even if he did not want to take the initiative to give the little mermaid to the outside world.

"The black pattern that I said yesterday, what kind of information do you think of?" Xie Zhen held a young cub in his arms, this is the Knox cub in his arms because of the group. It looks very round and looks very good.

"No." Zarad, who was questioned, shook his head very flatly. He never saw the black mark. To be honest, when the young man talked to himself about the black pattern and was still related to the Knox race, Zarad's first reaction was to think of black rickets.

But when he saw the pattern drawn by the other party, Zarad immediately denied the previous thoughts.

This is not the kind of mark that black rickets will form. The totem pattern formed by black rickets is fixed, and it is the same in every patient, and the pattern that young people paint for themselves is far from this.

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