Chapter 15

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After half a month, the kuhti cub had now fully integrated into the new living environment and he was no longer tense around the cotto and kuwei cub.

When Xie Luan walked around in the house, he would even occasionally see them get along quite intimately, cleaning each other's feathers.

They would sit close together and use their beaks to gently comb the lower back feathers on each other. It gave a very lovely and harmonious feeling and each time Xie Luan saw this he couldn't help but smile.

Xie Luan normally only looked and did not disturb them, but sometimes he would walk closer and sit down beside them and touch their cute small wings. The cubs would then usually stroke their heads against his hand and call out to him.

Despite knowing that the kuhti cub was still trying to learn how to fly, the kuwei and cotto cub, who had long been able to fly, did not despise or mock the new cub. They would even accompany the kuhti cub when he was training and tried to show him how to do it.

The most common exercise they did was ground flying, which like it sounded, was an exercise where the cub would flap his wings and try to take off from the ground.

Maybe it was because of the other cubs' assistance or maybe it was the kuhti cub's persistence, but after having failed in every other club, the cub finally managed to make progress here in the Yunbao branch.

When standing on the ground he could now take off and fly a bit forward. Although this might not seem much to others and his flying ability was far from the standard, in Xie Luan's eyes, the cub had improved a lot.

If compared with the previous situation where the cub had been unable to fly despite having been persistently trained in other clubs, how could this not be seen as a big improvement?

"If you continue to work hard, you will definitely be able to fly." Xie Luan picked up the cub that had landed after flying a bit and looking into his eyes he said this in a firm tone.

Xie Luan would often repeat this, both to encourage the cub but also in the hope that his own ability could somehow act as a catalyst and make it easier for the cub to achieve this.

According to what Zarad had told him, when he concentrated there was indeed a short-lived mental fluctuation and thinking about his ability to put the cubs to sleep, Xie Luan felt a bit more confident that he would be able to affect the cub.

However, he knew that his ability could not achieve this alone but he hoped that it would at least become a small boost to aid the cub as he worked hard.

"Tiuh!" The kuhti cub looked up and lightly flapped his wings as he, with the same firm tone, answered Xie Luan. He would make sure to continue to practice hard, so that in the future, the youth would not have to kneel down in order to pick him up, he would fly into his arms by himself!

Including the two eggs still being nurtured in the hatching room, there were now thirteen cubs in the club, and although the kuhti cub had recently taken up a lot of his time, Xie Luan's attention was still mainly on the nox cub.

The reasons for this were quite simple. Firstly, because the cub had recently hatched and was more vulnerable than the older cubs. Secondly, because the golden ball had declared the nox cub to be his final guidance.

This nox cub may be the root of the destruction of this world or the key to saving it.

If Xie Luan had been a resident of this high-technological world, then he would certainly not have believed that such a God existed and if contacted, would not have believed a word.

But he was not.

He had experienced the establishment of a spiritual link and traveled between two worlds. He therefore certainly believed and took this guidance very seriously.

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