Chapter 30

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The identity of the person who sent this dynamic message on the astrology was not fraudulent. This thank-you letter was indeed written by the parents of the Kuti cub, but the objects that the parents of the cubs thanked were completely different from what they thought. This makes people who have already identified the facts feel overwhelmed. 

Yunbao Branch...?

Isn't it a branch of Ayr? ?

Repeatedly read the name of the object on the letter several times, most of the people who are paying attention to this hot topic are completely dumb. This inconsistency reversal makes them unable to do other reactions for a while, they can only stare at the appearance. Thanks for the strange name on the letter.

In this letter, the parents of the cubs expressed their sincere gratitude to each staff member of the "Yunbao Branch", and the gratitude expressed in the lines was almost clear.

It is not difficult to see from the text that the parents must be extremely uneasy when writing this letter of thanks.

This is indeed the case. Fuya wrote this thank-you letter. When she first learned that the young cubs learned to fly, it was a matter of course that her heart was full of unspeakable excitement and surprise.

This thank-you letter was supposed to be updated on the tour star at the time of writing. Fuya did not do this because she considered the flight competition behind.

It can be said that Fuya was totally an idea for the Yunbao Branch to fight for more benefits. She didn't think that her cubs could win the competition in the competition, just thinking about the young cubs in the contest. It would be better to throw this thank you letter after she finished the flight contest.

I gave the Yunbao branch a little reputation, and Fuya thought so.

Not all is to thank, since it has been determined that the family will be settled in the Yunbao branch, why not she hope that the Yunbao branch can develop better?

As for the recent comments on the astrology that the youngsters learned to fly to the Ayr chapter, Fuya did not expect it, but this did not affect her to send this letter of thanks.

At this time, the people who paid attention to this topic on the tourist star have already read this thank-you letter. The parents of the cubs said in the letter that this baby care reserve called "Yunbao" will be nursed every young child. I am very attentive and provide the best care for the cubs within my ability.

Parents also thanked the Yunbao Branch for the psychological enlightenment of the cubs, saying that the cubs are re-energized and confident.

When it comes to the vitality and self-confidence of the cubs, many people can't help but think of the podium on the flight contest. The three chubby babies who were hugged by the youths stood up after taking the medals...

In fact, it can be seen that the content written by the parents in this thank you letter is not mixed with water.

Especially at the end of the letter, everyone can read the solemn attitude of the parent from this sentence.

"I am sincerely grateful to the Yunbao Branch for the name of the Lester family."

This thank-you letter was written by the parents of the cubs, and they all thanked them in the name of the family. No one can doubt the correctness of the contents of the letter. There is no such thing as the Ayr chapter in the letter from beginning to end. Many of the people who have attached the public opinion before are now very embarrassed.

Many people went to the first time to delete the echoes that they had sent before, and then ran to give this thank you a message, trying to pretend that nothing happened.

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