Chapter 92

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After experiencing the parallel world line, Xie Tao knows that normal healing abilities are light attributes.

The treatment device simulates the healing abilities of the light attribute through a complex principle, so that it produces a similar effect when used.

So when Xie Tao wanted to use the treatment equipment to treat Ony's wound, Ravi would tell him that the property was repelled.

The wound that was treated with healing ability had a little itching at the beginning of treatment, but Xie Tao was completely silent and completed the entire treatment process.

He has a high-level mentality. Xie Tao's perception of abilities is more sensitive than most people. He can feel that the abilities used by the old woman who treats his wounds are different from the ordinary healing abilities.

It was this difference that allowed Xie Tao to chase after the reaction.

He can't let go of this possible opportunity.

The two clubs are on the same planet. It doesn't take much time to go back. They easily cross several cities on a floating train. Xie Tao brings people back to the Yunbao branch.

Walking in front of the road, Xie Yi walked into the branch gate and went straight to the direction of the living house.

When describing the situation, Xie Tao only said that it was a wound caused by a special weapon.

Although the other party has already agreed to his request, but the other party can cure Morrison, this is actually a mentality of trying.

"Auntie, you are coming back so soon..." Xia Qi was surprised to see the young man who walked into the living room. She thought that Xie Tao should come back at least until the afternoon.

Seeing the person who came in behind Xie Zhen, Xia Qi said again: "Is this?"

"Come to Morrison's attempt to heal." Can't say enough, Xie Tao added the word to try this sentence.

Hearing that Morrison was staying in the outdoor courtyard, Xie Tao asked Lin Yi to help people call back to the lounge, and he first took the people behind him.

Going to the lounge will pass outside the hall. When Xie Tao leads the person behind to go to this position, a goose yellow chubby cockroach flies from a distance and flies to his arms.

There have been many similar situations, and Xie Tao raised his hand and hugged the baby.


Two small claws stepped on the young man. This Kuwei cub was in Xie's arms, raising his head and giving a particularly crisp snoring to Xie Zhen.

The crisp voice seemed to be louder than usual. Xie Xiao looked down and saw the little wing that was squatting behind him but still moving under his gaze. He could not help but give a single tone: "Well?"

The raised tail is a representative inquiry, and Xie Tao can find that the eyes of this young cicada are lit up, and the rich body of the feathers is placed against him, and the snoring is even louder.

I feel that this cub should be trying to tell him something, or if he wants to let him see something, Xie Yan raises his hand and follows the chubby soft back feather. He promises: "There is one thing to do now." Busy things, I will come over soon after I have finished working." "Hey." The back feathers were touched by young and young, and this Kuwei cub snorted and looked up. The light in the eyes of the sneaked eyes was not dimmed, and it was still shining. This little chubby swayed from Xie's arms. The wings flew to the side shelf.

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