Chapter 111

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After the black dragon cubs brought back to Gaia Xing by Xie Luan lived in the Rainbow Club for some time, it can now be said that he has fully adapted to the life in the club.


Fluttering with the wings of the dragon flying low in the air just slightly off the ground, the black dragon spit out a breath of dragon breath, and the burning color of the flame appeared in front of everyone.

"Wow, Oni is so good." This was a heartfelt clap from several childcare workers in the house. Not only these childcare workers, other cubs watching around also made sounds like Ying and Xia Qi if.

"Listen to Luan, this is how Oni rescued him, and the baby was very brave at the time." Xia Qi tried to reach out and touch the black dragon cub again. The young dragon was stared at the hand and then avoided. I don't know if there will be different results this time.

Slowly patted the dragon wing, but this black dragon cub did not obviously hide this time, and Xia Qi's hand touched the young dragon's body smoothly.

The praise just now is not an exaggeration. Every cub of the Kesu tribe seems to have a natural grasp of the flames. It is not long after the broken shell is born that they can master the method of breathing the breath. Innate abilities are different from fire abilities developed by people of other races.

"Oh ~"

Hearing the word "brave", the magnificent golden vertical pupil of this black dragon cub seemed to light up a bit, and the golden eyes that had been like gold became more eye-catching.

Watching the reaction of the young dragon, everyone in the room couldn't help but smile. In the eyes of the adults, the performance of this black dragon cub is undoubtedly very cute.

Although I was afraid, I became very brave in order to protect people who were close to me. I took the initiative to overcome my fear.

Such a cub rushes forward bravely and wants to save you, which rescued person will be completely softhearted.

After all, after Xia Qi and several others heard the situation described by Xie Luan, now everyone wants to take some money from their salary to buy a little gem for the black dragon cub.

Speaking of this aspect, Xie Luan bought a new small treasure chest for the black dragon cub not long after taking two new members back to the Yunbao branch.

It was customized by a merchant. Xie Luan used his drawing ability to draw a model drawing, and the craftsman asked him to do the appearance and details on the drawing.

To meet the dragon's aesthetic, of course, this small treasure chest is best to have gold, plus decoration, if it can be inlaid with some shiny gems, the combination of gold and gems will always be the hearts of the dragons.

Make this little treasure chest that can be held with both hands, and Xie Luan put the little treasure chest made by the craftsman to the bedside of the black dragon cub while the little ones were not in the bedroom. .

Five or six gems of different shapes and colors were put in the small treasure chest. Xie Luan closed the small treasure chest gently.

At bedtime, he was brought back to the bedroom with the other cubs by the childcare staff. The black dragon cub soon saw a new small chest beside his bed.


I just fell in love with this little treasure box at a glance. The black dragon pup flew over, flapping the wings of the dragon around the beautiful little treasure box that I don't know who was put here.

"This is for Oni." Xie Luan followed, and watching the black dragon cub apparently like to fly around the treasure box twice, he hung his mouth and smiled warmly.

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