Chapter 116

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StarCraft has another s-rated nurse, and the news of fermentation soon came on the star network. Even the Yunbao branch has become one of the hot topics on the star. (Free full novel.

The hot topic has not been reduced over time, and there has been a tendency to climb up in the last two days.

Since the end of the last Star Alliance assessment, parents have sent their cubs to Yunbao Branch. Now it is clear that a s-rated care worker appears in Yunbao Branch. In just a few days, I consulted the branch on the Star Online. The mail of the occupancy quota has been filled with the information list of Yunbao Branch.

Now, whether it is for peers or parents from all races, Yunbao Branch has entered their sights.

The club has recently checked in a group of young cubs.

Xie Tao brought the energetic young cubs in the hall. Fortunately, these young cubs spontaneously and consciously surrounded him, and some were crawling on him, which made Xie Yu breathe a sigh of relief.

The staff of the childcare staff is not enough, and it is necessary to hurry to recruit new employees.

"How was the recruitment that was sent out yesterday, how many people are applying for it?" Xie Tao took the cubs that had crawled on him into his arms and followed them on the back of the cubs. After the fluff, he looked up and asked Xia Qi.

Xia Qi nodded and replied: "There are a lot of people who can come to the interview tomorrow, and they can get in immediately."

There are a lot of young people in the club. It is true that there are more people in all aspects, and now they can still cope with it. The recruitment of new employees is immediately on the agenda.

Xie Ying should have said it, and bowed his head to continue to look after the young people around him.

Although they are new cubs, these cubs seem to adapt well to the environment and people. It will not be long before they get close to him.

In the present, the staff of the club is not very adequate. Now, these young people can be so obedient and obedient, which is equivalent to saving a lot of work for them.

"The new group of young people who are now close to you will only be able to meet you." Zheng Zhou said this, and the rest of the people followed.

So far, they have not seen the young people who will not get close to the youth after contact.

It seems that no matter which ethnic group is young, when they are brought by the youth, they will be very embarrassed. They can see the pictures of the youth being surrounded by a group of young people.

Now only need to recruit new people, the living house does not need to be expanded for the time being.

At the time of the last expansion, Xie Tao had doubled the space directly by foresight. The empty space that was expanded after the expansion was now in use.

There are a lot of aquatic races in the new cubs, and the little mermaid and the Mayer cubs also have more playmates when they are playing in the indoor pool or the marine simulation hall.

The other cubs were first handed over to Zheng Zhou for help. Xie Tao picked up several cubs belonging to the aquatic race and walked over to the indoor pool.

"We have an indoor pool and a marine simulation hall in our branch. Now let you go to the pool first. The baby can move in these two places in the future." While walking, Xie Wei lowered his head to the three cubs in his arms. Warm sounds open. Two of them are the Soi clan and the other are the Dordo.

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