Chapter 8

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Gaiastar's auction of rare plants was held as scheduled. All the connoisseurs around the Stars who were preparing to participate in the auction came to Gaia Star early by starship, fearing that they were delayed on the road and missed the auction.

Originally, in order to increase the number of gimmicks for this auction, Soma Auctions began to pay attention to the pre-heating on the star network half a month ago. It was not long before the name of the auction spread throughout the appreciation of the exotic plants. Circle.

If you stay in this circle but don't know the auction, then the other party may be embarrassed to say that he is a rare plant connoisseur.

Originally, these connoisseurs have been tickle, and I can't wait to participate in the auction right away. A few days before the auction began, Soma Auctions posted an official message on the tour star, saying this. The auction unexpectedly added the same finale baby, and the big words behind it were not enough to blow this baby to the sky.

But even if it is boasting, the official dare to blow this finale of the auction into such a thing, even if the real thing is not described in the seven points, five points should always be.

Five points is enough for them to look forward to - what "like a red lotus, color like a jade", can see that the auction will start in a few days, this is not anxious to die!

The connoisseurs who came to the auction can be said to have been appetizing. On the day when the auction started, each one was eager to enter the market. I wanted to see the one that made them think about it day and night. The finale of the day baby.

On the other hand, after successfully entrusting the pot of meat to the auction house, Xie Tao did not pay attention to this matter anymore, just waiting for the auction to close after receiving the money.

Money and money are all a small income. Xie Tao has already thought about it. When the money is ready, he first goes to the star network to buy some cub toys for the cubs in the branch.

I heard that many Cubs Nursing Clubs will build special playgrounds for cubs. They don't have clubs. At least they have to buy some toys for the cubs.

Otherwise, these little cubs have nothing to play with, but Xie Tao is willing to play with these cubs, but he can't stay with him for too long, and he can't care for so many cubs... still have to buy toys. .

On the second day of the auction, Soma Auctions sent a direct financial supervisor to visit their big customers in person. On the two sides of the bustling commercial street, I found a broken old cub nursing support branch. The financial supervisor stood in front of the rusted iron gate and almost thought that he was looking for the wrong place.

How can big customers stay in this place? ?

According to the original idea of ​​the auction house manager, the person who can take the kind of Qizhen should have a good background.

Although it was a surprise, the treasurer did not forget what he was doing today, and quickly went in and found the target of his trip.

"Hello, Mr. Xie, I am the director of Soma Auctions." The supervisor handed a business card to the human youth politeness in front of him, and handed over a dark purple crystal card, "the auction proceeds from the commission, deducted The amount after the 15 commissions is in this crystal card, a total of 3.06 million credits. "I was already preparing to reach out and pick up two cards. Xie Yu heard a word and suddenly doubted her hearing. "How much?"

"There are 3.06 million credit points." The supervisor said this carefully, and he tried to make his face look more sincere when he spoke. Do young people feel that this auction price is low and they are not satisfied with the expected amount?

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