Chapter 25

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For the chubby babies who are playing, the foggy golden circle appears in the air to guide the road line.

In addition to the holographic image of the track, the adults can see a two-dimensional map of the game on the side of the auditorium next to the finish line.

The entire road line is marked on this map, and the small red dots on the top represent the youngsters participating in the competition.

After a period of time from this map, everyone can easily see that most of the cubs have already flown two-thirds of the entire track.

Although I can see a light red chubby cockroach gradually emerged from the big army, but now only the last third of the distance from the finish line, this Kuti cub wants to stay in the rest of the journey. Beyond the first place, the possibility of success seems not optimistic...

The contestant's commentator can of course see where most of the audience's attention is, catering to the public's attention, and the commentator has zoomed in on the lens of the hologram to the second position of the Kuti pup.

The cubs of Kuti, Kuwei and Cotto are all like a round chubby cockroach. If the ability and form of these three races in adulthood can be called the master of the sky. In the early childhood, the sky is still an area waiting for them to explore for these chubby babies.

The body is covered with rich light red feathers, and the Kuti pups, who are trying to flutter a pair of small wings, appear clearly in front of all the audience after the lens is zoomed in.

This Kuti cub did not look at the other cub that was ahead of it. He just struggled and fluttered his wings with great concentration and kept an eye on the golden circle that appeared in the next position.

At this time, a mountain peak was about to be bypassed. A foggy pale gold circle appeared without any omen in the vertical direction of the Kuti cub. The audience who saw this scene could not help but follow the tension.

This circle is probably to be missed...

But even if you miss this circle, there is nothing wrong with it. After all, the position and time of the golden circle are really too difficult.

With this in mind, the audience was determined to fix the gods.

But in the next second, the picture presented by the holographic image surprised everyone.

Like a very skilled spurt, this Kuti passed through the golden circle on the top of his head and successfully scored this point.

"Pepe..." In the audience, Fuya raised her hands and covered her lower lip, her shoulders tightened, and she looked at the holographic eyes.

In fact, for Fuya, she wants her own cub to participate in this flight competition. The biggest reason is that she remembers that the young cubs once showed a longing for this flight contest.

In addition, it is to give the opportunity for the father of the cub to correct the way to raise the child.

It doesn't matter what position you take, the family's reputation doesn't need to be a cub.

But seeing this scene in front of him, Fuya is undoubtedly a surprise.

When Xie Tao saw the Kuti baby cub successfully through the golden circle, although she did not show excitement, her eyebrows were bent. This difficult point on the track is hard to beat this little cub. When it was done for training, three chubby babies, this Kuti cub is the hardest to practice.

The wings are really tired and will take a break. After a good rest, Xie Tao will see this Kuti cub begin to practice the skills to overcome the difficulty of the track.

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