Chapter 21

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There are daily round-trip starship flights between Orte and Gaia, but not every day with the latest commercial starship. 

If you take a regular starship, it will take a whole day from Gaia Star to return to Orte.

After Fuya visited the cubs at home, she continued to spend more than one day at Gaia.

In order to avoid the daily visits to the cubs by the parents, the disorder of the order and the busyness of the staff, the weekend is the time when most of the pups are open to parents to visit the cubs.

Parents who are close to home can also choose to take the cubs home on the weekend and return the cubs to the club on the working day.

In addition to parents who can visit in the weekend, they can also initiate holographic communication to the club. It is convenient to know the status of the young cubs through holographic images.

Fuya only sent a newsletter to the Yunbao branch this month, and she did not meet with the Kuti cubs in that newsletter. At that time, she was afraid to hear the cubs at home screaming at her, she would think Go to Gaia Star to pick up the cub.

This time she went to Gaia Star, she got a huge surprise that was unimaginable.

"Have you gone to the club?" Donner didn't make a good expression, but even though he was still squinting, the current owner of the Warren family asked again after he had asked this sentence, "Pepe is How is that over there?"

How is it to live, how to eat it – what good conditions can the cubs of the family have to offer to their cubs?

Just after returning home, Fuya had wanted to share her joy with her husband for the first time, but when she saw the face of the other person, she realized something that she needed to change.

From the Yunbao branch, I saw the vitality of the young cubs at home. Fuya suddenly thought that the last time she saw the vitality of her cubs was a long time ago.

Not to mention the cubs, which have a very strong self-confidence.

When the young man praised her family in front of her, Fuya saw the young cubs raise their heads and looked at each other with sloppy eyes, then snorted with a moving wing.

This action is a pleasure.

The cubs of course like to be praised, and they will be sad when they are blamed.

Obviously such a simple truth, Fu Ya found that she has always ignored this matter.

Wrong, but fortunately it is not too late to change now. But it is not enough for her to change alone in the family. She must let another parent of the cub also make changes at this point.

To figure this out, Fuya nodded and said, "I am well adapted there."

"Too good" is how it is, although I want to ask, but Donna can't pull his face at this time, so he has to stand in the study room for two seconds after standing in the same place.

Fuya looked at the other side into the study, and then she put her eyes on the light brain on the living room table.

In another ten days, it will be the day of the annual flight competition. Today's organizer is just the turn of the Kuti. This flight competition was specially set up for the cubs of Kuti, Kuwe and Cotto races. The purpose of this competition was to promote friendly exchanges between the three races and to consolidate allies because the effect was good. It has continued.

At the time of the Cubs Flying Competition, there will be a live broadcast on the Star Online. When I think of this live broadcast, Fuya has an idea.

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