Chapter 106

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The cub's home also appears to be in this accommodation area. Xie Wei holds the dragon with a white bandage on the left dragon wing and walks in the direction of the cub. 

After ten minutes, Xie Tao saw a room that looked very normal.

Compared with other houses in this accommodation area, the appearance is much simpler. The door does not have the bright and bright decoration that conforms to the dragon's aesthetic. Besides the wall is a bit old, it is more in line with Xie Tao's thinking. Normal building.

"Here?" Xie Xiao lowered his head, and the young dragon he was holding was holding his body temperature in his arms, and the two front paws of the black dragon cub seemed to be tightly held tightly. Live in the little green gems.

If it weren't for this gem, it would be a little smaller, maybe this young dragon would hold both legs.

I felt that this cub was obviously moving the body's reaction, and Xie Tao confirmed his problem.

The door of the house is not locked, it can be unscrewed directly. Xie Wei first raised his hand and knocked on the door under the watchful eyes of the baby in the arms. After a few seconds, a very old voice came from inside.

"come in."

Holding the baby dragon is responsive to this voice. The owner of this voice should be the family of the cub. Xie Yan stretches out his hand and unscrews the door handle, holding the baby dragon who is still very close to his arms. Go in.

As soon as he walked into the door, Xie Tao saw an old man with a sound age.

The detection of mental power is still outside, and Xie Tao does not feel the life reaction of the dragon that is stronger than most races, but it is weaker than the average person.

Because the age is up, the individuality of each race, no matter how powerful, has a limited life span.

As soon as he saw the person in the door, Xie Zhen felt the movement of the baby in his arms, so he walked a few more steps and gently lowered the black dragon that he was holding.

"Oni." Although the accident came in a strange human, the attention of this old dragon was more on the left dragon wing wrapped white bandaged dragon, the first time to call this cub name.

I can't fly for a while, but I was also put down by the youth in a position not far from the old man. This black dragon cub bites the little green gem with his mouth and walks over to the old dragon.

When the approaching approached, the young dragon put the little gemstone down, and then in the face of the old dragon, made a move to press the body onto the gem, and then raised his head to make a sound to the old man.

"Hey." The sound of the young dragon has no deterrent. It sounds tender and soft. After the gemstone is pressed underneath, the black dragon cub looks at the amber erect of the old dragon as if it is slightly bright. .

The adults of the same family can easily understand the message expressed by the cubs. Modo looked down at the cub who was near him, then looked up and looked at the black-haired man standing not far away, saying: "Yes, he gave it to you, and the wound is also the one he helped you."

The young dragon who pressed the jewels responded with a swaying dragon tail. Usually no other cubs play with this young dragon. This black dragon cub is going to some places to play. This time he flew to the beach and accidentally scratched the dragon wing by sharp rocks.

It is a strange thing to have a sea on a floating island. In fact, it is not a real sea. The rocks that are also scattered around the sea are also made of special materials, which are rock, and all aspects of the property are closer to metal.

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