Chapter 54

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Shen did not apply for Star Alliance assessment. When the staff of Yunbao Branch learned about this matter, the opinions were very unified. 


This of course has to apply.

Even if their club's assessment scores are not ranked in the rankings, at least they can have an experience, and the next time they can better cope with this field assessment.

Eligibility for application needs to be confirmed by audit, and each sub-item submits the information for approval, and will be able to retain the eligibility for the application in the future.

Prior to this, Yunbao Branch had not yet received the review, so before applying for the Star Alliance assessment, Xia Qi first submitted the information of his own club through the Star Network, waiting for the approval.

In order to give more clubs the opportunity to participate in the Star Alliance assessment, the standard line of the audit actually deliberately lowered a little. In theory, the conditions of Yunbao Branch are now no problem.

But before the results came out, Xia Qi was still a little nervous. After submitting the information, he went to the star network to check the results.

After being in the state of review for almost two days, when Xia Qi began to be a little anxious, she finally saw the "pass" sign of Hung Hom on the inquiry page.

"Through passed!" Although he only qualified for the application, Xia Qi's face was still full of joy, and immediately shared this news with other people in the club.

In less than half a year, my club has changed from a bad old situation to a current one. Xia Qi is both proud and happy.

Hearing this good news, everyone also hangs a few smiles.

To qualify for the application, the Star Alliance recognizes that their club is a juvenile nursing club on the horizontal line, and there is such a default concept in the peers.

Therefore, whether it is approved or not, it is determined to a certain extent whether a baby care team can stand up straight in the same industry.

Xingmeng will only open the appraisal application two months later, and the actual time for the club to accept the appraisal has to be pushed back a bit. This time is the time for the Cubs Nursing Club to prepare for the work.

Whether it is renovation or new facilities, all the clubs will do their best to give extra points to the assessment.

Even if it is not for the assessment, Xie Tao intends to recruit some new employees, such as dietitians who specialize in custom nutrition recipes for young children, health care doctors have to recruit one, and logistics staff.

The juvenile rations and milk powder in the club have long been replaced by a few highly acclaimed brands in the interstellar. Xie Tao has observed the reaction of the cubs when feeding the cubs, and recorded the different preferences of each cub. Let other caregivers prepare food according to the preferences of the cubs.

Rations and milk powder are the most common cub foods, but such foods are too monotonous, so conditional cubs will hire one or two dietitians to customize multi-flavored meals for cubs.

Originally, I should also recruit a combat instructor. Xie Tao just wanted Zard as a temporary tutor at first. However, during this time, Xie Tao felt that the other party had done a very good job and decided to hand over the work. Give each other. While watching Zarad teach the youngsters to fight basics and teach the mermaid cubs how to better use their abilities, Xie Tao felt that it was a waste of his previous goal as a guard.

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