Chapter 39

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This family imprint of the Hodid family is not present when the cubs are born, but only when the cubs are one year old. 

The mermaid, who was born in the Hodid family, has such a light gold mark on the forehead. It can also be seen from the entrance to the juvenile of the Connaught branch. Each of the mermaid cubs with the name of Hoody has no one. The exception is that there is such a family imprint.

In the current group of employees, Xia Qi first joined the Yunbao branch. It can be said that since a good-hearted person sent the mermaid cub to the Yunbao branch, Xia Qi was watching the little mermaid grow up.

The cub didn't have any mark on the beginning. Later, although she found that the little mermaid had a very light gold pattern, Xia Qi didn't think much about it.

It was a bit confusing to be disturbed by the huge amount of information on the tour star. Xia Qi sat in the seat for a while, and looked at some comments under the dynamic news.

Slowing down the gods, Xia Qi directly hugged the light brain at the table and hurriedly left the office.

In the living room, several adults are now playing games with the cubs.

Xie Yan looked up and saw that the person who came in from outside the door seemed to be unnatural. When he had several cubs on his body, he cast a questioning eye for the person.

"I don't know how to say it, you can see it yourself." The mind is still in a mess, Xia Qi puts the light brain in front of everyone, and then closes his mouth and does not speak.

Looking at the content of the page on the virtual screen, the expressions of several people in the scene also changed slightly. In particular, the three people other than Xie Tao now enter the state of confrontation. Obviously, I don't know how to handle the huge amount of information received. .

For the Hoddy family, everyone on the scene only stopped listening to the name, after all, they are not a member of the mermaid family.

This family is a well-known family in the mermaid race. It is not easy to put it in the entire interstellar space. It is not easy for people of other races to hear it.

The question to be asked now is not how this family is, but who knows who the family of this mermaid cub is in their own club and what they need to do...

Xie Yan asked the few cubs on the side of the bar to play next to them. There was a Knox cub who was quiet and slouched on his shoulders. He spoke first in the scene of no one talking: "I think In fact, we don't have to think too much."

"Small Gal is deliberately abandoned in Gaia Star. If we confirm this first, we will have nothing to change." Xie Tao simply said his thoughts, the tone is relatively flat, but the attitude is not No doubt it is serious.

Hearing the words of the youth, a few talented people who were suddenly stuffed into various ideas in their minds suddenly changed their expressions and fixed God.

This mermaid cub is abandoned. Xia Qi is the idea from the beginning, and if this little mermaid is really a cub of the Hoddy family, it is even more likely to be abandoned by the family. Otherwise, if a big family loses a cub, it will definitely be found in a big way. How can it be that there is no movement in these years?

Unless the family didn't want to find this cub, it would make sense at this point.

"Auntie said it was right. We will continue to take care of Little Gal as before. I don't know if there is any difference in the family of Little Gal." Xia Qi was the first to react in a few people. Should talk with the opposite youth.

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