Chapter 90

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At the end of this trip to the Koronos Star, Xie Tao certainly became more concerned about the totem-like black mark on Yayi. 

I have experienced a parallel world line for a short time. Now what Xie Tao can know is that this mark can be said to connect the heart of this Knox.

The deeper the imprint color, the more negative emotions that represent Yayi's heart. The only thing that makes Xie Tao more reassuring is that the small mark that is now exposed under the neck of Knox is still relatively light.

In this state, Yayi basically does not get out of control, even if the state is sometimes not quite right, Xie Tao can comfort the other party.

Even if this imprint can't be eliminated, as long as the status quo is maintained, there is no problem. Xie Tao draws this conclusion.

In the heart of this Knox, there is a part of the darkness that exists objectively. This part of the darkness cannot be erased and does not need to be erased. Xie Tao can accept such Yayi.

"If there is an unknown enemy, this enemy can't be any race known." Zarad listened to what Xie Tao had said to him, and then he didn't say anything, and finally responded with a statement. .

The time to get along is not short. Zarad is very confident in his ability to recognize people. He knows that young people are not people who talk casually, so he also believes everything that Xie Tao said, including parallel time and space.

But the amount of information received was too large and it was too unbelievable, and Zarad digested it for a while before reluctantly accepting it.

While accepting, Zarad also realized that he might be in contact with a terrible fact.

StarCraft has already passed the original exploration period. Now the races in the interstellar world are known even if the ethnic groups are small. If the enemy is not a known race, then this enemy may...from another universe.

The first time I could only think of such a guess, Zarad's eyebrows couldn't help but jump a few times. He even hoped that his conjecture was not a fact.

Knowing that there are enemies but not knowing who the enemy is, they are in an unfavorable passive state, and although Zaradken believes in these things that Xie Tao said, other people will only regard this as a fantasy.

As Zarad is well aware, the Star Alliance will never be able to act for things without actual evidence.

The only good news is that Yayi took back the ultimate weapon from the Saen to him that he could only use. The Ark that could make the Saan engineering team fear and marvel could be a key force.

There is not much to do in the passive state, telling things that can think about this situation and will trust his Zarad, Xie Tao will return to the normal state of mind.

It doesn't make much sense to think about it now, he has to continue to worry about the development of Yunbao Branch.

On the next day, in the room, before going to the living house to take care of the cubs, Xie Tao first observed the black mark under the neck of Knox next to him.

In the recent past, this Knox sleeping with him on a bed no longer goes back to the cub form, and his body is nesting on his pillow, but he sleeps next to him in adult form. The beds in each room of the staff quarters are single beds. The size of the bed makes one person lie very spacious, so that one person can sleep with two cubs. There is basically no extra space for two adults. .

Because of this, Xie Tao did not hold the mermaid cubs to sleep in the room during this time. In order to solve various problems, he made a double bed on the star network yesterday.

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