Chapter 19

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This is a kind of hot, hot feeling. In the extreme shock and joy and incredulity, a certain static string in my heart suddenly broke off.

The direct result is that the other party can't control their emotions. 

As the youngest daughter of the Leicester family, Fuya Lester received a social education from a young age, always maintaining dignity and restraint, and it is not advisable to show too obvious emotions before people.

But now, after the sob of the whisper, the young Kuti women, who clasped their arms in their arms, trembled slightly with their backs, and they almost fell asleep.


"Choo Choo Choo!"

The Kuti cub, who was held in her arms by Fuya, saw her mother not knowing why she suddenly cried, and suddenly fluttered with small wings and slammed several times.

Seeing this scene, the people in the room consciously did not make a sound at this time, leaving a quieter atmosphere for the Kuti women standing at the door of the house.

In addition to the young people in the room, they simply or sounded, and the staff present were in a state of silence.

From the time when this Kuti baby cub just learned to fly flat, everyone in the room thought, if the mother of this cub knows this thing, she will be very happy.

Although at that time, this Kuti pup has not been able to fly very well, can only fly on the ground to fly some, but this level of progress in the eyes of parents who love the young, certainly deserve to be happy.

It was only during that time that the parents of this Kuti cub did not initiate a communication with their club.

Originally, when the cub could fly very well yesterday, Xia Qi thought about sending an image communication to the parents. I didn't expect the other person to come over today.

After a while, I still saw my mother crying. The Kuti cub, who was held in her arms, was a little anxious. She continually fluttered its small wings, arched her body into her mother's arms, and raised her head. Use its pointed light-colored bird to pick up a young woman's chin.

The tears were salty and salty, and I felt it with a light-colored bird licking the Kuti pups licking the mother's chin.

Still a cub, even if you want to express comfort to your mother, this Kuti cub can't do too much. He can only squat on his mother, arch and arch, and use the snoring to attract the attention of the other party.


Always raised his head and looked at the young woman who was tearing with black eyes. The Kuti cub suddenly had a very rounded chest, and the small wings covered with light red hard feathers also opened to the sides. Make a very good look.

Mom doesn't cry, I will protect you.

I can't talk during the pupping period, so this Kuti baby cub expresses his thoughts with action.

To be honest, the feathers on the body are so rich, this Kuti cub seems to be chubby. In fact, this action does not show any momentum. Instead, it will look a bit funny, and people can't help but watch it.

But think about this cub is trying to comfort his mother, this action suddenly seems extra warm. The thoughts of the young are very simple. Because of this simplicity, their various behaviors are all purely sincere, not pretending to be false.

"Pepe..." was teased by the appearance of his own cub, and Fuya's heart now feels warm and immersed in the emotions of the previous self-satisfaction.

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