Chapter 24

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Orte Star is the capital of the Kuti people and is among the best in the world of Star Trek. 

The sky is blue and blue, and in the air it seems to always smell the faint scent of flowers and plants. From the heights, the planet is a green and vigorous.

Now it is just spring, the shallow daylight that falls on the body is not hot, only people have a comfortable warm feeling, it is exceptionally pleasant.

Because of the few days near the flight competition, the nearest airport to Yunbao Branch has only the flights of ordinary commercial starships, so Xie Tao started here one day earlier.

Well, the time to arrive at the Orte Star is in the evening before the start of the flight contest. Xie Wei holds four full fluffy velvets and goes to the hotel newly built by the competition organizers to the contestants and their families. Have a rest for one night.

Early the next morning, the venue for the flight contest was opened. Although the opening ceremony was held at one o'clock in the afternoon, the venue was open and many parents who bought the tickets on the spot could not wait to enter the arena.

"Thank you for the number of places you have won for these two cubs." Xie Xiao looked down at the Kuwei and Cotto cubs who were lying in his arms, and then raised his head to polite the Kuti women in front of him. Courtesy and thanks.

Avoid the situation of too many contestants. The number of places in the flight contest is generally required for the juvenile to participate in the qualification selection half a month ago. After the selection and follow-up screening by the committee, the number of contestants can be won.

When Xie Tao learned about the contest, the selection just ended two days.

"You're welcome, I should thank you for it." Fuya smiled and responded with a little gratitude on her face.

Some capable cubs or families can skip the selection process and win several places for their cubs.

Originally, Fuya only got a quota. After receiving the request from Xie Tao, she went to fight for two more.

"Pepe, my mother will look at you in the audience." Fuya carefully arranged the feathers of her body in the Kuti cubs in her arms, and the movements revealed the obvious love for the youngest in the arms.

"Hey!" Raised his head and looked at his mother. This Kuti cub was very snoring.

After hearing this response, Fuya held the cub at home for a while, then she put the Kuti cub in her back to Xie Zhen's arms and advanced to the stadium.

"I will wait and see you in the audience." This sentence is said to the three cubs at the same time, but when he said this, Xie Tao also raised his hand to Kuwei and Cotto in his arms. The cubs sorted out the feathers of the body.

These two cubs have no parents, so Xie Wei took up the role of a parent and tried to prevent the two chubby babies from feeling lost.

The two black eyes were bright, and the two young cubs let the youth arrange the feathers for themselves. When Xie's hand was removed, he arched into his arms.

Looking at the time, Xie Tao left the hotel with three chubby babies and a Knox cub, and walked into the entrance of the stadium set up by the organizer. Just entering the entrance, the scene I saw in front of me made Xie Wei a step in the footsteps -


"Choo Choo Choo!"


At the sights, all the chubby chubby chubby chubby chubby chubby chubby chubby chubby chubby chubby chubby chubby chubby chubby chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu Looks like a fat chicken.

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