Chapter 41

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I saw the gold mark on the mermaid cub's forehead in the photo, plus the place where the baby cub care club is located. Gaia Star, the Hoddy family closest to the family rights center, of course, is a good idea. what happened. 

The mermaid cub on the photo is right from their home. They abandoned the cub in Gaia and they sent it.

The cubs in the family will have a gold mark when they are one year old. It is true that they did not think about letting this cub survive...

It's a heart, and you don't need to find any excuses. They just make this decision for the family's reputation or interest.

A cub that can't talk is born in the family. It may be nothing in other races, but it is a completely different concept in the mermaid race.

I found that the cubs that should have disappeared were still alive. When I first learned the information, several people in the Hoddy family who knew the truth were also chaotic.

Things are coming too suddenly, and this thing they can't close their eyes and must be dealt with.

To say identity, the father of the mermaid cub in the photo is the second son of the old master.

This cub was born as a sacred child. When the cub was born, the father of the cub was no longer there, and the mother died of dystocia after giving birth to the cub.

If it is not discarded in Gaia, this mermaid cub should also be a young master of the Hodi family.

"First take the cub from the branch and give it to the seal." The old master said to one of his own confidants, sitting on the chair, the deep black cane on the hand knocked on the ground. Knocked and made two clear sounds.

Now that this matter has not yet opened, but since it has been pulled out of a hole, they have seen this hole, it is impossible not to rush to make up.

Gaia Star's cub care team is sure to know the deficiencies in the language ability of this mermaid cub. The first time to collect relevant information, the old family of the Hodi family has already had a certain understanding of this branch.

This cub nursery club called "Yunbao" once took the lead on the tourist star twice, but the name is not good. At present, it means that it will not be completely unheard of, and it can enter the ordinary or low-level family. List.

Just a small club, to understand this, the home of the Huodi family is still very calm.

This baby care team began to develop slowly from this year, and it was completely broken before it was left unattended.

Since this is the case, the sealing work is very good, basically only the staff inside the club, and the scope is not big enough.

The reason why the cubs are out of the house is not difficult to fabricate. The only thing they need to consider now is how to hide the fact that the cub will not speak.

Sending a confidant to Gaia Star, Hudi's family calmed down and waited for the subordinates to take the cub back.

Subsequent matters are not handled well, but they can only do so now.

The purpose of sending people to Gaia Star is very simple. Whether it is the old master or the sentimental confidant, this is only a matter that can be easily achieved. Unexpectedly, this went, everything became not what they expected.

Gaia Star is a planet far from Helen Mitt, so it takes a few days to travel. Curran, who was in charge of the mission, arrived in Gaia on the third day, and he quickly found it on the planet. The goal--

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