Chapter 63

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The scale of the villages and towns built by the mountains is not large. I probably wandered for about half an hour. Xie Wei followed the Duke and took the tour to the small village. 

Finally, I came to the area where the mountain was destroyed because of the collapse of the mountain. Xie Xiaogang appeared here, and it was not long before there were several adult Mukas who came to him with a plate filled with Dorothy.

"Give me...?" Looking at the fruit plates that he handed to him, Xie Tao asked this sentence with some hesitation.

These Mukas are obviously residents of the village, but Xie Tao has not seen it before today, so he has some doubts why these Mukas will send them these multi-fruits.

The appearance of adult Muka and Muka cubs is actually not much different. It may be just a difference in body shape for outsiders.

In the eyes of Xie Zhen, he saw that the adult Muka who were taller than the big babies did not notice his position, and then gave him a low-pitched voice.

Although he still didn't know the reason, Xie Wei took over the things he had handed over after hearing the responses of these Mukas, because one person couldn't take so much with his hands, Xie Tao took these many after taking over. Luo Guo was temporarily loaded into the space button.

Duke is familiar with the Muka people living in the villages and towns. Seeing the hesitation on the face of the young man, Duke explained: "The young eggs that you care for are the young children in the village." Hey, just concentrate on one place for easy care. Regarding your help to take care of these young eggs, all the Muka people in the town should know now."

like you.

like you.

On the virtual screens that are suspended, three identical words appear like typing. With the display of these three fonts, the Mukas in front of Xie Tao have a low voice.

Although it is a scarlet erect scorpion, it is easy to have a fierce and cold feeling, and it is fearful. The Mukas who are making a low-pitched voice are undoubtedly without any offensive. They are Express your gratitude and friendship to the youth in front of you.

"Everyone in the village likes you very much. If someone gives you a gift, you will just accept it." Duke is not surprised that there is a Muka who is sending something to the youth. This is what he can expect. The situation.

Xie Tao nodded after listening to the words, then he looked up at the front of the Muka, and also slowed down the voice to thank the latter.

The Muka cubs are very embarrassed in Xie Zhen's eyes. They are as cute as the cubs of other races. After coming to Senna, Xie Zhen discovered that the adult Mukas are also very cute.

This kind of cuteness and appearance does not matter, it is reflected by the various behaviors of these Mukas.

After giving the gift to Xie Wei, these Mukas will help to repair the damaged area. They must first remove the mountain that has collapsed into an obstacle. The adult Muka in the village will cooperate to carry out this piece. thing. "I will also help." The damaged area is in pieces. Xie Wei looked at the collapsed area and the working Muka, and went forward to see if there is anything to help. .

The collapse has actually been cleaned up by the machine, leaving only the last part that needs to be solved manually.

Xie Tao was still looking around, and Knox, who was in his arms, jumped out.

Seeing Knox, who changed back to adulthood, thanked Xiao for a second and then reacted.

Immediately after seeing a wave of power fluctuations, Xie Tao looked up. He saw a dark, twisted hole above the collapsed area, swirling, mixed with lightning and sound similar to air blasting. You can feel a terrible force in the twisted vortex.

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