Chapter 9

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Leaving the insulation room, in the current winter season, the temperature of the outside world is undoubtedly described as cold for a cub born with a broken shell. 

The nights in the club were quiet, the other cubs were asleep in their nests, and the nurses returned to the staff quarters in addition to the people left in the shift.

As Zhao Chuan was fired, Lin Yi was the person who took care of the cubs in this room tonight. However, Lin Yi, who was in his sleep, apparently did not know that in a place not far from him, a young cub born just after breaking the shell not only left the insulation room himself, but even walked out of the room alone.

In the silent night, I used the breath left in the road to find an unknown object. The outside is very cold. The cold temperature felt makes the round cub slightly lower than the body, but the light bicolor erect Still round and look straight to somewhere in the dark.

After a while, the cub finally came to a closed wooden door. With the superb perception of the Knox race, this cub can hear the shallow breathing sounds from inside, which makes the cub unconsciously move his ears.

Open the door to an accessible space, the cub enters the room, and then it sees the young black-haired man who is sleeping on the cushion.

In his sleep, the youth's clear eyebrows stretched out, and it was extraordinarily soft and peaceful. It did not have any aggressiveness, and only made people feel extraordinarily peaceful.

The closer you are, the more you can clearly feel the breath of the youth. It seems that I finally found the person I was looking for. This Knox cub got into the quilt covered by the youth and crouched down on the youth.

The dark environment has no effect on the races with night vision ability. Although there is a sense of tiredness in the spirit, this Knox cub is still holding on to its erect, and the youth who are quietly sleeping are reflected. In the eyes.

When I woke up, I was told that Xie Zhen was stunned.

Just woke up, sleepiness has not completely disappeared, Xie Tao did not open his eyes, but he felt a weight pressed on himself.

This weight actually made Xie Tao a little confused, but when she just woke up, her mind turned slower. Xie Tao didn't think much about it at this time. She only touched her hand and touched it... The result was a fluffy hand. It's a soft feeling.

Wait, this feel...? ? Suddenly realized what, Xie Hao suddenly opened his eyes, and suddenly he looked at a pair of rounded bismuth.

Accurately speaking, it is a very light cyan, like the sky in the cold winter, very clean and transparent, but it is easy to make people feel the cold.

His hand was on the back of the cub, and at this time when Xie was slightly stunned, he heard a low-pitched sound from the cub, "Oh."

This voice made Xie Yu wake up in an instant, and immediately hurriedly sat up, Xie Tao spread out the quilt that he covered, and then wrapped it in, and only wrapped the cubs. This cub is not the one that Xie Tao has seen in the club, but this pup can not appear out of thin air, so the only possibility is that a young clam in the incubator has broken the shell.

I don't have time to think about how the cub came from the insulation room to his room. Xie Wei wrapped the cub in the quilt and carefully took it to his arms, as close as possible to the body, hoping to use it. Your body temperature makes this cub a little warmer.

After finishing this series of actions at the fastest speed, Xie Tao was a little relieved.

"Is it still cold?" I couldn't care about cleaning up myself. Xie Tao stood up with the quilt wrapped in a cub, and only hurriedly put on the shoes and went outside.

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