Chapter 17

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More than half a month later, the northern hemisphere of Gaia Star not only failed to detach from the cold winter, but also lowered the temperature, and some areas have already fallen into small snowflakes. 

The location of Yunbao Branch is still slightly better. It is not snowing here, but the temperature it feels is enough for Xie Tao to be frozen.

Against the backdrop of other staff members wearing only thin clothing in the club, Xie Tao seems to have been dressed very thick. As a result, the temperature has dropped in recent days, and Xie Tao has to put more clothes on himself. Not to tremble in this weather.

When I was sleeping at night, Xie Wei would not even consciously hold the fluffy velvet next to her pillow in her arms after she fell asleep, so that she felt warmer.

"Auntie, are you really so cold?" The house is surrounded by a group of alien races that have no feeling of low temperatures. Xia Qi looked at the human youth who had wrapped themselves up in recent days. I couldn't help but ask a word.

When the question came out, a few people who were busy at the side couldn't help but look at Xie, and they had the same questions as Xia Qi.

Gaia Star is very far away from the Earth Federation. Although it is a trading planet, there are not many humans that can be seen on the Gaia Star every day. Therefore, people living on this planet know very much about human race. Flowing on the surface.

Just as they know that human beings are generally weak after fighting out of specially crafted weapons and equipment, they are not sure about the extent to which this weakness is.

How does it look like it would be frozen to death in the winter without wearing a thick layer...?

As an alien race whose physical quality is far beyond human beings, the people in the house obviously cannot understand this cold. Only in the case of a newly born crust, a newborn cub needs to stay in the incubator.

Faced with the eyes of everyone, Xie Tao can only nod and look a little helpless.

The thick clothes he wears now are all brought from the original world by his rules. The alien races are not too cold. If there is no demand, there is no market. Gaia is no longer selling thick clothes. Shop.

It is known that adult alien races are basically not afraid of cold, but for young children, Xie Tao will still be worried, especially the mermaid cubs living in the small pool in the courtyard is the primary concern of Xie Tao.

"Will the water temperature be too cold?" Xie Wei went down and reached out to test the temperature on the water surface, and suddenly could not help but frown.

The outdoor is even cooler than the indoors. Xie's fingers just touched the surface of the pool and felt the ice cold.

The mermaid cub with a short short hair in the light has already swam in the face of Xie Tao just walking to the pool. Although the small face of the delicate face is not very expressionful, the ice blue fish tail that is swaying in the water will undoubtedly reveal. Out of emotion. "a..." The mermaid cub looking at the young man opened a very low-pitched voice from his throat, and he couldn't hear it. But it still tried to make a sound response, and after shouting out the snoring from the throat, he shook his head at the youth.

Xie Tao saw in the "Baby Encyclopedia" that the favorite water temperature of the mermaid race is 18c. When I saw this item, Xie Tao turned to the star network and bought a small water temperature adjustment device.

The pool is not big. Now it is enough to buy a small device for the time being. The price is not too expensive to afford. Xie has not hesitated when it spends this money.

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