Chapter 96

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This round of qualification evaluation is at the end of this month. After the two parents left, Xie Tao held the Moyer cub held in his arms a little higher. He looked at the young child who was gently shaking his little tail. Hey, Wen Sheng said: "The little test at the end of the month, the baby will go to participate once again, this is the last time.

Listening to the parents said that this cub was a little bit resistant to participating in the test. Xie Tao deliberately softened his tone at this time, and also extended his finger to tap the head that the cub looked up to him.

After saying this, Xie Wei saw that the pointed little tail of the Moyer's cub was stopped, but he soon shook him again.

I heard the cub's squeaking voice, and Xie's raised the cub from his arms, and when Xie's raised his hands with his hands, the snoring of the Moyer's cub was clearer. Some of the four short legs are drawn in the air.

Although I didn't like to take the test, I heard the young people's snoring and high-rise experience, which made this Maya cub choose to be obedient.

Let the cub squat in the air for a while, Xie Tao regained the Moye cub back into his arms, and walked back to the indoor pool with his cubs as he promised.

Before putting down the Moyer Cub in the pool, Xie Wei bowed his head and said to the cub: "In order to be able to cope with the test, Toto will begin to practice walking in the hall tomorrow."

Xie Tao did not forget that this cub walked a little unstable and the balance was a little worse.

Through some arrangements, this small shortcoming can naturally turn better in the process of the growth of this young child. Originally, Xie Tao did not think about making the other party correct, but now he has to put on the agenda.

The content of the qualification assessment has nothing to do with the steady walking of the cubs. The test is talent, but Xie Tao imagined the picture of the Maya cub who accidentally turned over in the test and quickly made this decision.

This Moyer Cub made a very low snoring and didn't want to do this. It was settled by Xie Zhen who touched the back shell.

On the second day, Xie Tao held the Moyer's cub in the hall as he said, and there was a small mermaid who was swaying his caudal fin in his arms.

Looking for something that would allow the little mermaid to sit on it, Xie Tao put the Moyer cubs down not far away, then Xie Yan walked back to the little mermaid.

The other cubs in the hall gradually approached Xie, and soon after, Xie Tao surrounded many cubs, and the Moyer Cub, who was put down not far away, was still in place.


A light red chubby cock that flew over Xie's head looked at the Mayan cub with squinting eyes and made two crisp squeaks.

Xie Tao smashed the chubby cockroach, who was gently stepping on his hair with two small claws. He bowed his head and looked at the chubby cockroach, and thanked him for raising his hand. The little wings that are clinging to the young, "Toto wants to practice walking, like Pepe had to learn to fly before."


In response, the rich, light red chubby cockroach fluttering wings flew to the side of the Moyer Cub, not far away, standing next to it like a round chicken. Because the thought of his time learning to fly was accompanied, this Kuti cub now in turn wanted to do this thing, and good chirp with the other two chubby cub relationship is also only a few seconds after flying along The past.

Being watched by so many eyes, stopping at a distance like a little turtle like the Maya cub, looking at the person closest to him, I want to go to Xie Zhen to get close to the past.

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