Chapter 123

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"Hey--" waking up in a blink of an eye, Xie Tao's painful feeling of losing consciousness before coming to the present is now late to feel, and there is a little cold sweat in the forehead, and Xie squats and gets up and breathes.

However, this pain did not last long. After a few seconds, the pain was slightly relieved, and Xie Tao was able to breathe accordingly.

Putting down the hand in the chest position, Xie Tao fell down and lay back on the bed, and then gasped for a while.

The back of the hand is placed on the forehead, and Xie Tao's line of sight sweeps the room from left to right. The scene of the room is certainly not strange to Xie Wei. This is his bedroom in the original earth.

It is one of the places that I will see every day when I wake up. I didn't need to scan the familiar scene, but Xie Tao did this confirmation today.

Because this time it was not his own return, but a passive return.

He blocked the attack from Yayi.

A little bit of pain in the chest position tells Xie Tao that this position of his body is indeed penetrated.

Xie Tao is a link established by the spiritual power in the two worlds. The golden light ball makes the link he created deceives the "rules" of the world there, and allows the world there to recognize his existence, so that he is also complete in the world there. Form.

Also, because the link is only established by dreams, Xie Tao's body in this world will not be affected in real terms and will not be injured.

When the pain was completely eliminated, it took only one minute to add up. Xie Tao wiped the thin sweat on his forehead without relaxing, and then he tried to fall asleep again.

Since the establishment of the spiritual link linking the two worlds, Xie Tao has the idea of ​​transforming the world every time, he can fall asleep immediately in a few seconds.

But this time, Xie Tao was lying for a while and had no feeling.

Because it was too painful, and the mental impact has not been calm, so I still can't sleep...

Xie Tao also wanted to convince herself at the beginning, but she stayed on the earth for the night. After Xie Yu finally fell asleep, the scene he saw when he opened his eyes again did not change.

It only took a long time to sleep, and the change in the room was only dim.

The spiritual link that links the two worlds is broken -

Can't escape to clearly realize this, Xie Wei wakes up now, and there is no more sleepiness this evening.

After Xie Tao, I made several more attempts, and the same result was achieved without exception.

"Auntie, are you still not going out today?" This week, this is the second time Lu Yuan asked this question, with a very clear concern in his tone.

Although young people are not like people who go out, they usually go out for a walk and go to travel at different times. It has never been the case that they can't go out for more than a week.

"Yeah." On the phone, there was a voice. Xie Tao held the sensor pen on his hand and slowly painted it on the digital screen.

"You..." The person at the other end of the phone wants to stop and say, and can only say one thing at a time, "I don't want to lie on my own." "I'm fine, don't worry about me, but these days are more inspirational, I want to paint at home." Xie Wei gave a compelling reason, the phone was tilted and the movement continued.

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