Chapter 34

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In the vast expanse of the vast expanse of the end, there are also some wonderful coincidences. 

For example, the two syllables "pa" and "a", in the racial language of most races in the interstellar, if the two syllables form a double-syllable, it means shouting dad and mother.

Including interstellar lingua franca also respects this setting, even a small number of races that do not use this setting can understand the meaning of these two overlapping words.

As a resident of the earth in the 21st century, it is obvious that Xie Tao will not understand the interstellar lingua franca or other worlds here, but he still has not encountered any communication obstacles in this world.

The language that is heard and spoken is like automatic conversion. The golden finger that is deceived by the rules of the plane is Xie Wei's most fortunate.

The language is really bad, but fortunately he does not have to encounter such a bad situation.

Being close to the parents is the instinct of the young, as long as the parents are not very fierce or very bad, the young will always want the parents to pay more attention to themselves.

The mermaid cub who sees the young man as a parent will certainly have this instinct, so after receiving a response from Xie Tao, the mermaid cub has not let go of the finger it caught.

I want to be closer to the youth, but I have already swam to the edge of the pool. This mermaid cub can only make himself as close as possible to the pool wall, so that the distance between it and the youth can be shortened a little.

Seeing the action of this mermaid cub trying to get close, Xie Zhen's heart suddenly felt a bit sour and soft.

Being cautiously approached by the cubs will certainly make Xie Zhen feel soft.

The feeling of a bit sour and sour is because Xie Tao sees from the movement of the little mermaid just close to the pool wall, this little cub is still afraid of leaving the water in the subconscious.

The mermaid race couldn't make it out in the cubs, and it really couldn't leave the water for too long.

However, this "too long" refers to more than half a day, leaving the water for more than half a day will make people feel a little uncomfortable, and there is no problem if they can reach the water again within 12 hours.

If there is a danger to life due to dehydration, it means that the mermaid cub has been out of the water for at least one day.

On the planet where the mermaid race lives, the water area accounts for the vast majority, and many cities are built directly in the water.

Although there are many cities on the land and on the water, there are various facilities for the mermaid cubs in these cities. A few hundred meters away, you will find a small pool dedicated to the rehabilitation function of the pups.

And there are canals in the city as urban transportation hubs, and there is no way to find waters.

So in general, mermaid cubs are not afraid to be brought to the land by their parents, because they know that they are very safe, at most when they leave the water for the first time, there is a little nervousness, and then only the land is left. The curiosity of the scenery.

But the mermaid cub in front of Xie Zhen is very afraid of leaving the water in the subconscious. This is a kind of trauma and psychological. Just because I can understand this, Xie Tao will have a little more sour feeling in her heart while she is soft.

One hand grabbed the youth's finger, one hand climbed to the edge of the pool, and the mermaid cub close to the pool raised his head and looked at the blue eyes of the young man's face, and tried to shake it gently. The finger that caught.

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