Chapter 50

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Two hands were hung on the edge of the small pool, and the mermaid cubs swaying under the water with the blue fish tail were lifting their heads, and the blue eyes looked close to each other's two parents. 

The little mermaid first looked at the person standing on the left, then moved his gaze to the young man on the right, and finally shook its caudal fin.

Xie Tao originally wanted to let go for a few seconds, but the tail that was circled on his waist and the other side's movements to hug him hardened the seconds into ten seconds.

In such a close situation that there is almost no gap, Xie Tao's right cheek is inevitably touching the silver hair of Knox, which is a cool touch and soft.

Xie Tao also touched this silver hair with his hand, you can know that the hair is very good.

For more than a few seconds, Xie Tao was a bit uncomfortable.

Under this very close distance, Xie Yucai later discovered that this Knox was taller than him in the adult form, almost as tall as half a head.

The squid cubs in the small pool were looking straight at them with their blue eyes. Xie Zhen reacted and reached for the silver tail that was circled on his waist and was slightly released. Take a step back.

After the larvae of the mermaid race returned to the water, the recovery of bodily functions was very fast.

Xie Tao moved over the chair and sat in the small pool and looked at the cub for ten minutes. Then he took the mermaid cub out of the pool.

Ready to go out, standing next to the silver hair Knox consciously changed back to the shape of the little baby, jumped to the young legs.

Xie Wei tied the knot of the little cloak to the Knox cub and held both cubs in his arms.

When I got up, I felt a little more movement in my arms. Xie Xiao lowered her head and suddenly saw the mermaid cub that he was holding on the left and reached out and grabbed a small horn of Knox in the shape of the cub.

And this Knox moved his tail slightly, and did not escape, it seems to acquiesced in the move of the mermaid cub.

How do you feel that the interaction between the two seems to have increased a little over the night...

Today, I should go back to Gaia Star, but before leaving the planet, Xie Tao has the last thing she wants to do.

It was not a temporary intention. Xie Tao thought before the departure. Since he was going to Helen Mitt, he should probably let the mermaid cubs who were brought to the planet see his own biological parents.

The meaning of this sentence is to take this cub to the cemetery to see the tombstones of the two parents with blood relationship.

The little mermaid's father and mother have left very early. Xie Tao does not know what kind of attitude this mermaid's biological parents have for this cub, but at least the abandonment of the cub is not the other's. .

The city of Cerro is the central city of Helenmitt. The city's Auston cemetery is the most famous and largest cemetery in Helen Mitt. Every leader of the mermaid race and many heroes are sleeping. this place. Some of the prestigious families in the mermaid family also chose to bury family members here. According to this known information, Xie Tao came to the cemetery with two cubs.

First look for the cemetery administrator to ask about the matter, according to the other party's directions, Xie Wei went to the area of ​​the O'Donnen cemetery and was assigned to the area under the name of the Hoddy family.

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