Chapter 130 Fanwai - If anything

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When Knox's young quail eggs brought back to Yunbao's branch were broken, Xie Tao's busyness in caring for these newborn cubs still reminds me of the young cubs who have grown up in another world line and Yayi in the world over there will take a little walk of God every time he thinks about it.

It's no longer a reaction to touch the huge clock on the star of the Sain capital. Xie Tao wants to go to the parallel world to see if the grown up cubs are doing well now. -

In theory, this is the case.

But just as Xie Xiaowei lowered his head and looked at God for a moment, he found himself entering a space that was not strange, and then he saw a golden ball of light for a long time.

"Xia Zuo?" Xie Zhen suddenly became stunned. He thought that this golden ball of light completely disappeared when he first completed the guidance. Now the other party appeared in front of him again.

It seems that I can see what Xie Tao is thinking. This golden light ball quickly conveyed his voice to Xie Zhen's mind: "In order to make you link with the world and successfully deceive the rules, I did almost completely disappear. This light ball will of course disappear as the final consciousness that I split out."

"But it seems that the god of luck is more concerned about me, I can still appear here, in order to thank you for saving the world, I am here to help you complete a wish." The other party said.

In line with Xie Zhen's previous conjecture, Xia Zuo is indeed a Saan man. The other party should have been the successor of the prophet Clay, but because of the glimpse of the end of the world, he sacrificed himself to change the ending.

The Saen has three prophets. When the current prophet reaches a certain age, he will start to train the successor.

Choosing a point in time, a brief return to the past, and a corner of the future that can be viewed from the subjective consciousness are the personal abilities of Xia Zuo. In the Saen, Xia Zuo is a recognized genius.

But now no one in the Saen people remembers Xia Zuo. There is no trace of the existence of the other side in the current world. This is the sacrifice, or the price, that the other party has made to change the ending.

As with the last time, it is still time-critical for Xia Zuo. After responding to Xie Zhen's conjecture, the other party immediately started to act.

Xie Tao is still thinking what the other person said to help him complete a wish, the scene in front of him in the next second has completely changed.

"Oh..." I felt a little dizzy feeling, and Xie Hao raised her hand to help her forehead. After a while, he really saw the surrounding scene.

Not only the foreground image, the silver tail surrounded by the waist and the cub that fluttered into the arms of the wings also made Xie Wei slightly stunned.

here is......


It was suddenly on the Ark ship, and the people who were sent this time not only had themselves, but Yayi and the other five cubs also came together. Sometimes it is advantageous to be able to fly. A chubby cockroach with a goose-yellow feathers and a black dragon cub have flew to Xie Yu's arms. At this time, Xie's legs are leaning against a Vicker's cub and a small one. The mermaid grabbed his trouser legs with his hand, and a Muka cub was approaching Xie Tao.

Although I don't know what this sudden transmission is all about, as long as the youth are on the side, these youngsters are not scared and afraid of this sudden happening, but they are very relieved.

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