Chapter 115

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It is as eye-catching as the low-to-fail physical ability score. The neat scores of the other items are also allowed to see the candidates sticking their eyes to the top, not to mention the 120 points that do not know how to appear. 

Even if so many points are deducted from the physical ability program, in terms of total score, this score is enough to break the highest record ever seen in the assessment.

The owner of this record-breaking score is a human being.

Realizing this fact, the eyes of everyone on the scene could not help but jump.

The evaluation level is undoubtedly the s level. Even if Star Alliance has held so many nursery level assessments, the number of caregivers who can score s-level evaluation is still very few. It is not necessarily one of the years of assessment. It is extremely rare. Talent.

Which Cubs Nursing Club can hire a caregiver with an s-level evaluation is almost equivalent to taking a good road. It can be said that there is no need for subsequent development.

At present, in the StarCraft, several cubs nursing clubs that employ the highest rated caregivers, without exception, have countless parents smashing their heads and want to send their cubs to stay.

"It's not that he is the president of the Yunbao branch. There are certainly no other clubs that can dig people away."

Originally, as the only person who participated in the assessment of the interstellar caregivers, there were a lot of people who noticed Xie Tao in the venue. Now, the assessment results have made everyone stunned, and the degree of attention has risen sharply.

In addition to the physical ability of a full score, even Xie Yi himself is now in a state of surprise, it took a few seconds to confirm.

Before I recognized in my heart that the young people were just idle and had nothing to do, they just took part in the assessment and passed the time. Now I am glad that I have not made a sound at that time, or I will lose my face now.

It is said that others are coming to take the test and pass the time. As a result, the test of this person has passed the s-level evaluation that broke through the records of previous years.

If this is a random test, then what are they...

"I have never seen such a number of perfect scores." The young Sai Sarai man next to Xie Tao made a sighing voice, because he had already seen Xie Zhen's ability when he was in the same test. It was not too surprising to see the announcement of the score.

In contrast to my own scores, this assessment has finally succeeded in winning the b-level evaluation that I have been able to get in the past few years. Locke is already very satisfied.

The young man is the president of the Yunbao branch. At this time, the candidates who belong to other nursery care clubs can clearly realize that the Yunbao branch will continue to be a dark horse in the next Star Alliance assessment.

Such a big thing has to be reported to the branch at home.

I can't wait for the results of this nursery assessment to spread naturally. At this time, many people have been unable to take the initiative to talk about this matter with people they know.

This of course also caused a series of chain reactions, the heat of things is starting to ferment.

At the end of the assessment, candidates can return to their respective planets. Xie Tao was also ready to leave the venue immediately, but he was shouted before he left.

Calling Xie Wei is one of the examiners who are responsible for the assessment of the nurse. This examiner looks like a young Riley male from the outside. The other person took off his black hat and said: "It can be slightly delayed. Are you a little time?"

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