Chapter 59

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The helper appeared when Xie Tao checked the teeth of Muka's cub. The other person, like a traveler, seemed to be rushing from a distant place. 

The Muka cubs in the club were changing their teeth before, but now they have already replaced their new teeth. Xie Tao is checking whether the new teeth of this cub have not been fully grown.

Young people have no fighting ability and even no defensive ability. Because it is a natural fighting race, this Muka cub knows that its teeth can easily scratch the skin of young people.

The skin that can feel the touch on its new teeth is soft and very fragile, so this Muka cub is motionless when the youth touches the teeth.

Regardless of the new teeth or the previous deciduous teeth, the teeth of the Muka cubs are undoubtedly sharp and sharp, and Xie's fingers touch on a sharp tooth of the Muka cub who is opening his mouth. I touched it and confirmed that the newest tooth that was the slowest was also stable.

It can be seen only by sight that the new teeth of the Muka cubs are more dangerous, and the sharper and sharper teeth have a terrible bite force than before, and can easily bite or shred the body of the prey.

If the average person sees someone touching the front teeth of a Muka cub with his fingers, then they will probably think that this person may be lifeless or crazy, and will make this kind of death.

However, Xie Tao not only touched it, but also touched it carefully and carefully. After the inspection, he patted the forearm of this Muka cub.

The helper came over and saw that Xie Tao had just removed his fingers from the sharp teeth of the cub. Because of this scene, the young man ignited some hope in his eyes.

The man was brought by Lin Yi. Xie Yuwang saw that the young man seemed to be very tired in spirit. He went to the side table and gave him a cup of tea.

"Slow down first." Seeing that the other side should be full of stomachs and want to say, Xie Tao handed over the cup on his hand, intending to let the other party calm down the spirit of tension.

In contact with the warmth of the cup from the cup to the palm of the hand, Duke's originally tense mind calmed down a little and took a sip of tea. He opened his eyes to the young man who was looking at him with a peaceful look. "Thank you..."

Xie Tao nodded and accepted the other party's gratitude, his eyes indicated that the other side went forward, and there were too many cubs in the hall who wanted to go to him. It was not convenient to talk about things.

He squatted down and licked the fluffy velvet that had already reached his trouser legs. Xie Wei let these cubs go to the side to play. As for the first time, he stayed on his shoulder and leaned against the Knox on his neck. Xie Tao continued to be treated by the other side.

"What is the specific thing?" I already know that this young man is coming for help. Xie Tao took the initiative to ask this question after walking to the living room in the house with the other party.

From the other party's expression, Xie Zhen believes that this person really has a very important thing to ask for help. Thanks to the sincere attitude shown by the other party, Xie Tao is willing to listen to the other party's request. "Because of a natural accident, the mountain collapsed, and a group of Muka's young quail eggs on the Seine was very strongly impacted in this accident... The buried clams have been removed from the collapsed place. However, the life response is weak, and it is more likely that the childcare worker will use the mental power to call and guide. It is more likely to survive." Try to describe things in a simple language. Duke's hand holding the cup is a little trembling. He is worried about the opposite youth club. Indifferent to what he said.

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