Chapter 104

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In front of and behind the two cubs, Knox, who was surrounded by his tail, was too close. Xie had always had the feeling of teaching a young cub, but he couldn't refuse Yayi's closeness to kiss him. Lip flap. 

When he was about to be bitten by the throat, Xie Wei took a breath in advance.

But when the breath of this Knox was too close to be close, suddenly, Xie Zhen heard a clear sound of "咔".

The two cubs in front of the egg seemed to have an appointment, and a small crack was split in the eggshell.

After the first sound appeared, a similar crisp sound soon followed, and the newborn cub in the young egg tried to arch the body to break the eggshell.

The two people in the insulation room stopped their movements. Yayi glanced at the two cubs who were struggling to break the shell, and slightly loosened the tail of the ring on the young man.

Attention to the two cubs on the top of the eggs, can not help the cubs to break the shell, Xie Tao can only focus on the process of breaking the cubs of the two cubs.

The cracks on the eggshell were more and more obvious from the inside of the top arch, and the lighter colored juvenile egg on the left was slammed into a small hollow to continue to destroy the place that had been broken.

Waiting for another ten minutes, Xie Tao finally saw a fluffy hairy tip of the frosty white cub, lifting a front paw from the left cub, slowly drilling out from inside.

This is a cub of the Takira race.

When Xie Xiaogang came to the Yunbao branch, he saw the young cubs of this race in the branch. The Tachila race looks like a cat in the cub period, and this newborn cub, of course. It is just like a milk cat.

Despite being a natural and unsociable race, I don't like to be close to other people's races. This frosty white velvet is soaked by the egg liquid. After the eggshell is drilled, it begins to make a special effort for the young people in the vicinity to give birth to the newborn baby. A soft call.

Similar to the buzzing sound, Xie Zhen wiped the baby with the towel prepared in the morning, and the soft towel was stained with some agent for the newborn baby cub born just after the broken shell, which can clean the cub well. The egg liquid on the body makes the fluff clean.

After the fluff has become clean, the Tachila pup looks fluffy. Because the Tachila race is extraordinarily rich in the original form, the cub is now like a small ball.

A cub was born with a broken shell, and the young cicada on the right seemed to have encountered difficulties. The arching of the top shell slowed down after a period of time, and the movement gradually became smaller.

"The baby will try harder and come out soon." Xie Wei took the young quail egg from the cushion and looked at the eggshell. It was not a small crack, and the sound was encouraged to encourage the baby. The cub in the egg.

The life reaction has not been reduced, and it is safe for the time being.

This cub seems to be tired before stopping the broken shell, to avoid the situation that the life reaction may become weak. Xie Tao used his spiritual power to cover the young quail egg, and hugged the baby with a light blue pattern. In the arms, while stroking the eggshell, continue to encourage. It seems that it was influenced by the encouragement of the youth. This young quail egg had another movement. The crack on the eggshell extended and expanded with the slight sound of intermittent sound. Finally, when Xie Tao touched the young quail egg for the third time. The cub in the egg opened the eggshell.

There are two long ears that are obviously hanging down. This cub is like a rabbit, but there is a small horn like a deer on the head. It is a creature that looks very magical.

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