Chapter 76

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Gray-blue skin, dark blue eyes, and pointed ears are all ethnic characteristics of the Saen.

The man in the gray cloak pulled the cloak hat on his head after being taken to the living room in the room. The appearance of the other person was clearly visible to the public and fully met the above description.

The wrinkles representing the years can be seen from the back of the hand and the face. The age of this visitor should not be too much for the predecessors of their predecessors. It is also an elderly elder.

"You are r?" In the face of strangers, Xie Tao politely used a respectful name.

"r" is the pronoun used by the person who gave him feedback on the star network. There is no reason for it. When Xie Tao saw the coming person, he would tend to think that the other person is this person.

When I saw this Saen, people in the house except Xie Wei couldn't help but change their expressions and couldn't help but cast their eyes on them.

To be honest, before today, they never thought that they would see a living Saan.

The reason why the Saen is a mysterious race is because this race rarely shows up in the stars.

I haven't heard of any incidents since the Old Age. This race is generally only on their own planet. Because of the special abilities of the Saen, no one in the interstellar wants to provoke this race. .

The Saan people are more scarce than the tree races in establishing diplomacy with other races. The only known good target is the Knox race.

Since the end of the big event more than 30 years ago, other races have been more difficult to see the Saen in the interstellar, unless they go directly to each other's home.

The blue-skinned Saen in the room nodded to Xie, and immediately said his real name, Clay.

Clay put his gaze on the cub that was held in his arms by the young man in front of him. He also wore a small cloak to make people look invisible. Even in such a disguise, he could see that this is a Adult Knox.

"About the necklace I want to buy, what is your psychological price?" Nothing else, Xie Zhen asked about the necklace. "And before that, I hope you can let me see it first." Real."

"I didn't bring the necklace over, but I can let you see the image." The voice of the elderly elder is still very powerful. With the voice falling, the corresponding holographic image is generated at the position pointed by the other finger.

A necklace, the material and the Xie Zhen memory picture can not see the difference, including the embellished jewel on the ring that is inscribed with the engraved name.

Xie Tao only described the general shape of the item in the acquisition information. There is no doubt that the necklace in this holographic image is indeed the one he is looking for.

found it.

Although he didn't really get it, Xie Tao couldn't help but smack the small horns on the head of Knox's head in his arms, and his brows looked lighter. According to the rumors, the Saan is a race with Knox. It is a coincidence that people of this race brought the message of the necklace. Xie Tao is now a little hesitant to let the Knox he is holding back into adult form. So that the people of the Saen know that there is actually a Knox surviving.

However, the hesitation of Xie Tao, in the next moment, found that there is no need to exist, because after confirming the item nod, he heard the opposite person said: "I am not ready to sell this necklace."

Xie Yiyi, when the subconsciously wrinkled his eyebrows, the opposite person took an explanation. "I should have returned to the original owner unconditionally, but before returning the necklace, I need to confirm that he can own this item."

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