Chapter 72

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The word itself is cruel.

In the eyes of Zarad, the war will only take away the precious things of others insignificantly. The interstellar reality is now relatively peaceful and is a joy to all races.

For the war that took place in Kesoxing more than a year ago, Zarad was not very clear about the situation. At that time he had retired from the military and people were still mourning.

However, Zarad remembers that the duration of this battle is very short and it is a blitzkrieg. After the Star Alliance dispatched the peacekeeping force, the war ended in just three days.

According to Morrison's acting style, Zarad felt that even if the military did not send a special unit in this battle, the other party would definitely ask for permission to go to the battlefield.

With the other side's participation in this war as a precondition, Zarad can come up with the speculation that this Riley cub is likely to be Morrison's return in the Keso battlefield.

Zarad said all the speculations he had thought of, and Xie Yan gradually frowned.

The cub held in his arms also buried his head low on him. Xie Wei gently slammed the lullaby and continued to consciously guide the spirit to appease the cub.

If things are really like what Zarad said, then this cub is probably not afraid of thunder, but afraid of the sounds that have been heard...similar to thunder.

Maybe it is an explosion.

There was a lot of thunderstorms this season, and Xie Xiao looked down and looked worried in the eyes of her baby.

Stress response, he should have found it faster...

Xie Tao recalled the mermaid cub he first saw. At that time, the little mermaid showed off the fear of fear as soon as he left the water.

The horror in the eyes of these two cubs is similar. It is hard for Gael to overcome this psychological disorder. Xie Tao does not know if this Riley cub can overcome it.

Worried, Xie Wei went to the star network to check the weather forecast for the next half month. It is more fortunate to be sunny from tomorrow to the next weekend.

This weekend, Morrison came to the Yunbao branch again.

Concerned about the cubs will come, the purpose of the other party is obviously to see the situation of this Riley cub, although not a parent, Xie Tao agreed to let the other party stay in the living room and the cub.


Waving the fins, the Riley cubs wandered around the legs as they walked into the hall, and now they have turned around for three full laps.

Raised his head, this Riley cub is looking around the adults while the black eyes are looking at the adults.

Because I looked at the people I like, this young girl's squinting eyes are now especially bright.


Lifting the fins on both sides of the body, the Riley cub lifts his head and makes a particularly crisp call to the front. This action is what the cub wants parents to hold themselves up.

Looking at the state of the cub, this cub has been taken care of in this club these days.

I confirmed this with my own eyes. Morrison put his heart down and his face was slightly loose. In the end, I still hugged the cub, just holding it, Morrison did not do anything about cubs.

But this is the case, and the cub in his arms seems to be very happy. The tenderness of the tenderness has always been heard from the beginning, it is not difficult to see the vitality of this young.

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