Chapter 110

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On the return trip, I also took the Ark ship. I entered the big warship for the first time. On the return journey, the black dragon cub, which was gently laid down by Xie Tao from the arms, also explored the new world like the dragon wing wandering the whole ark. Ship.

Xie Tao was accompanying the young dragon to explore. When he arrived at the main hall, he reached out and hugged the black dragon cub who still wanted to fly forward.


When I was about to fly, I was suddenly caught by the young people behind me. The black dragon cubs with the scales of the ink were not rebellious. They only raised their heads when they were hugged and thanked Xie.

Xie Tao did not want to do anything to hug this black dragon cub. He just put this baby dragon on the square long table in the main hall of the Ark, and then when the dragon baby raised his head again. I reached out and touched the black dragon wing of this young dragon.

This place, the main hall of the Ark ship, in some respects, can also be regarded as the place where he and the black dragon met for the first time.

However, the black dragon he met here is not a dragon baby, but an adult dragon with a humanoid form.

"Oni should be careful when doing things in the future. Don't let yourself be hurt. Your grandfather and I will be very worried about you." When I saw that I met both sides of the world, I just saw the other person's injury. Xie Zhen could not help but be right. The black dragon cub in front of his eyes said this.

In the world on both sides, the black dragon was wrapped around the wound. Xie Zhen remembers that on another world line, the black dragon was wounded on the arm.

If he had more concerns about the other side at the time, it would be better to get along with the other party. For Oni and Ain, who have grown up in another world line, Xie Tao is still young in the world. People have this idea afterwards.

Although in fact, he stayed in that world line for only a few days, how to get along with each other is still short-lived.

The young man who knows this is caring for himself. The black dragon who was placed on the square long table snorted and fluttered to the height of the dragon wing to face the face of Xie Tao, and put his head on the cheek. .

Now that he has returned to the Yunbao branch, Xie Tao brought the two new members to the other people in the living room and detailed the situation.

It is normal for a cub nursing support club to accept cubs. I haven't heard of any rules in the interstellar club that have accepted family members. However, after listening to the situation described by Xie Tao, everyone in the house thought for a few seconds and then nodded and understood. .

This black dragon cub has no parents. Since the shell was broken, Grandpa has grown up. Now the age of the old dragon, which is only a grandfather, is already very large. It can be said that when life is about to end, it is reasonable to say that They are undoubtedly supposed to let the other party see more cubs.

However, the dragon's life expectancy will be higher than most other races. This old dragon can still live for many years from a human perspective.

"I will wait to pick you up for a room." Xia Qi's attitude towards the seniors was more polite and respectful. At this time, he took the initiative to pack up the room. When Xie Tao held the black dragon cub in the hall, the other cubs in the hall had already spontaneously approached him in the direction he was in before he actually walked. When Xie Tao came, these cubs just happened. He is surrounded.

For the first time, I stayed in the same place with so many other races, and I still have to live together in the future. The black dragon cubs in the arms of Xie Wei did not consciously move, and the front paws were lifted down, so they thanked I don't care to step on it.

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