Chapter 129

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In the Yunbao branch, the first batch of cubs who were compulsory to protect themselves have now accepted the adoption of different adults and owned their own homes.

In order to ensure that the young parents can receive the care and love of the new parents after they are adopted, Xie Tao and other childcare workers in the club are very strict and strict in reviewing the parents who apply for adoption. The interview is necessary. Confirm the other person's conduct first.

Later, Yunbao Branch also adopted some young people who were unattended for various objective reasons, and also actively sought suitable warm families for these young children.

In the past few years, there are also adults who want to adopt Knox's cubs, but Xie Tao and a big Knox are in the Yunbao branch. These Knox cubs who like to follow with Xie Tao Xie Tao and the only adult Knox they can see are heavily dependent.

Every time when Xie Tao tried to get them into contact with adults who had the willingness to adopt, the Knox cubs held by Xie Tao would use the small horns on their heads to lighten the top of Xie's arms, and then they would He whispered.

The Knock race's cub period usually ends very quickly. When it is not yet in adulthood, Xie Tao often sees a few Knox cubs running to him, working hard with the plush tail behind him. Go to his waist and hook it.

Although it is impossible to circle every time, but these squatting cyan squints, the body also looked at the somewhat round Knox cubs or not doing it, whether Xie Tao and other childcare workers can not help but see I feel a little funny.

The actions of these Knox cubs are entirely learned from Yayi, because the adult Knox that these cubs can see is only one of Yayi. During the growth process, these Knox cubs will unconsciously imitate Learn the behavior of Yayi.

It is a truth to learn from the imitation of the parents.

The tail has a special meaning in the Knox race and will only be touched by parents or partners. Whether the touch is active or passive, attacking the enemy with the tail is not within the definition of "touch".

Seeing that Yayi always uses the tail to circle the youth in the daily life, the Knox cubs in the Yunbao branch have a kind of learning, try to hook the waist several times, and change the target to thank the wrist or fingers of the scorpion. When you hooked, you snorted.

This group of Knox cubs should have enough strength to advance to the adult cubs. Before these cubs reach the end of their years, Xie Tao took these Knox cubs to see them according to the previous promise. Their planet.

"Here is the baby's hometown and homeland. This whole planet belongs to you." With a group of Knox cubs coming to the central city of Attiya Star, Xie Wei bowed his head to the Nok next to him. The baby cub said slowly.

This city, which was rebuilt a few years ago, is now a bird-and-flower scene with a blue sky and clear water, and no more ridiculous memories of the memories.

The planet has been destroyed, but it has now been reborn, just like the Knox cubs who were born and healthy. To bring nearly a hundred cubs out, Xie Tao and Yayi together, but also found a few nurses to help look after, in the process did not dare to care.

However, these Knox cubs are very embarrassing, and each one is followed by Xie, so there is no trouble on this road.

Xie Tao took these cubs all the way to the huge and solemn spirit of the monument. When the planet was still in a state of ruin, these Knox cubs were still asleep in the underground space.

When these Knox cubs were born, the Atiyah Stars have already been rebuilt into what they are now, so that the homes that these cubs see after birth are beautiful rather than dead, thank you. This is a good thing.

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