Chapter 85

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For the Yayi commanding army, Loren Star is almost equivalent to an energy supply station. The large amount of high-purity energy crystal produced on this planet can meet the recharge requirements of Gaia's core weapons. 

The conclusions of the Saen engineering team have concluded that Gaia's core weapon is a consumable that can only be used three times. This is not entirely true.

Gaia's core weapon consumes hard-to-measure energy every time it is used. When the Knox race designed it, it prepared for this weapon that it was difficult to find the second source of the eternal source crystal.

Less than a fist-sized spar, the energy is enough to make this core weapon attack three times.

Because the alternatives are basically not found, the Saen engineering team did the same judgment.

But in fact, on the side of Yayi, the method of recharging core weapons has been found.

With the eternal source crystal as the carrier, the energy of a large amount of energy spar is transferred to the source crystal by the corresponding technology, and the quantity deficiency is compensated for by the quantity, thereby recycling the eternal source crystal.

Returning to Loren Star to complete the rest, in theory, he should be prepared to capture the next planet in the plan, but the soldiers who followed the troops back to Loren Star found that several senior members of their legion - including the leader, now It seems that the plan has been put on hold for the time being.

Since I had given Ravi some blond hair that was slightly curled up that morning, Xie Wei looked at the adult hair. The haircut was a meticulous look for a few days, keeping the state that had just been combed by him.

In the days when I kept my haircut, every time the other person came to him, he seemed to want to let him see it. He told him that he didn't mess up his hair. The kind of light that looked like a wait for praise made Xie's feel like seeing one. It's just a little fat cockroach for him.

Of course, after washing his hair, Ravi's hair was still tilted up again. Xie Yu reached out and combed the other person again. This time, as a response to the slightly bright eyes, Xie Tao continued to raise his hand after taking care of the hair. This Kuwei hoe has been touched for a while.

This Kuwei is now showing a particularly good obedient appearance in the face of him. Xie Tao can see that the other party is trying to show himself in front of him as a baby, as if he still cares about the previous things.

"I am not angry." Taped on the head of the front person, Xie Zhen felt that he still had to explain this to the other party directly, lest this Kuwei 啾 continue to drill.

Xie Tao did not put the words that the other party said on the Ark ship in the heart. It was normal to hear those words on that occasion.

But even if Xie Tao said so, Ravi is still standing in front of him, which is what he wants to do.

Seeing not to move, Xie Zhen thought about it, and finally went by the other party.

After receiving the shared memory, Ravi began to send people to check some of the messages he wanted to know.

For example, the other two chubby babies who often play with him in memory, and the couple who adopted him in the other world, but have not received feedback for the time being. On the other side of the world, he and his playmates were adopted by a pair of parents. With his father and mother, Ravi felt that for him, the youth in front of him must be the same as the parents.

Seen in memory, he and the other Kuto chubby cockroaches felt very envious because they saw the parents of other cubs carrying the cubs flying in the sky. The young people holding them standing next to them, probably perceived Their emotions, the young man bowed his head and said to them, and he will fly with them later.

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