Chapter 117

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I did not specifically remember what day my birthday was. I want to say that Yai's impression of the broken shell was born. He only remembers winter. 

It was the same cold season as now, but Yayi didn't really feel much about such a low cold temperature because he quickly found the person he was looking for, and the other person had a very warm body temperature.

The attitude of the young people who changed slightly in recent days made Yayi pay a little attention, and he vaguely remembered some things.

Today, Yai knows the reason.

"Happy birthday." Xie Tao put down the hand that covered the eyes of Knox, and said the four words in a pretty light tone in the moment when the beautiful cyan squints were revealed.

When Xie Tao's voice just fell, the rest of the room quickly repeated the sentence again and again.

Suddenly, such a sudden, Yayi's face was always cold and could not help but change slightly. The eyelids moved, and then the eyebrows fell slightly.

The same is the arrangement of the house and the preparation of the birthday cake. The people in the Yunbao branch have made a birthday to Yai and the birthday of the last time for the Muka cub, and they have spent a little less time and are carefully prepared.

The silver tail behind Yayi is much lower than just now, almost touching the ground. This performance in the Knox race is only when a Knox completely removes the defense and thinks that he is staying in a peaceful home. Will appear.

Like a dangerous and beautiful beast showing the way to allow access, seeing Yayi's correct and eyebrows on his side, Xie Wei is a little itchy, trying to poke this Knox's fair-skinned cheek.

However, Xie Tao still resisted doing this, and only put the birthday hat on the other side when he was close.

"We don't know much what you like, if the gift you pick is not suitable..." Xia Qi said here, looking at Xie Zhen, and adding a smile very simply, "That is to use the aunt." Make up."

It's not that Xia Qi is indifferent to paying attention to each other. It's really that Yayi rarely expresses his emotions. He likes the same reason.

This Knox is the clearest and most obvious in the emotion of "like", and only likes Xie Tao.

After getting along for so long, Xia Qi can be sure that the other party will love what the youth sent.

It doesn't matter what it is, it only has something to do with people.

Hearing this sentence, Xie Wei immediately coughed, his hand stretched out in the pocket of his clothes and touched the ring box placed inside, did not take it out.

His gift is still waiting to be sent back to the room.

The cubs in the Yunbao branch have been particularly interested in the "birthday" since the birthday of Nick. Whether it is their birthday or not, these cubs will see more when they see the house being specially arranged. active.

The same is true today.

Seeing the triangular hat on Yayi's head, a Muka cub near the Xie Tao lowered his head down to Xie's arms and arched it, and made a low humming sound from his throat. "Nick wants a hat?" Xie Tao almost immediately understood the meaning expressed by this Muka cub. When she was lightly arched, she hugged the big cub and touched the cub. The head of the outer casing.

This Muka cub really likes the birthday hat. The light pink cap that was worn on the last birthday is now in the bed by the Muka cub, and the baby has been kept intact. .

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