Chapter 10

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There are not too many cubs in the club for the time being, so Xie Tao only wants to recruit more nurses to replace Zhao Chuan's position, and then recruit more people when there is a need.

The finance of the original club should be recruited by a professional accountant. It was because of the conditions that forced Xia Qi to take this work, and now I can no longer save on it.

The recruitment was posted on the Star Online, and the printed recruitment poster was posted on the commercial street. Within a few days, there were a lot of candidates in the club. The interview was handled by Xia Qi.

The salary of the original 1800 credit point has now been adjusted to 3,800. In the case of food and shelter, this is the normal treatment generally offered by the general nursery care club. Here, it is generally referred to as the Cubs Nursing Club, which is ranked 3,000 in the interstellar.

This kind of salary is just enough to hire a care worker who is rated as c-level. The average salary of the nurses who are evaluated as b-level is generally tens of thousands, and the level of at-a is at least 200,000. As for the s-level... then it is not necessarily a light flower. Money can get it.

To be honest, Xie Tao did not know until recently. It is originally in this world that there is such a rating division in the profession of nurses. If you want to get the corresponding rating, you have to go to the professional assessment held by Star Alliance.

Originally, Xie Tao thought that the child care workers in this world are just like the childcare workers who care for children on the earth. It is just a matter of raising the baby to grow up. Unexpectedly, the world's childcare workers also have the special ability to "guide the cubs to develop abilities."

Xie Tao thinks about hiring a professional nurse who is rated a to come back and teach the young, but also have to consider the reality. He now has 3.06 million credit points in his hand. When he first got the money, Xie Zhen actually felt that the money was quite a lot, but after he calculated it, he would have no idea.

First of all, you have to reserve half of the money to supply the daily expenses and improve the living conditions of the young people in the club. You have to spend money on everything you buy, better rations and milk powder, cub toys, cribs for young cubs, and so on. Before the façade was repaired, their clubs could not make any money at all. Even if they had been repaired, they had to go through a difficult period, so the money for daily expenses had to be enough.

Then there is the money that needs to be spent on the renovation of the façade. It is not so simple to replace the rusty iron gate. Xie Tao is preparing to completely rebuild the entrance gate of the club. Although the cost of doing this is definitely much larger than just changing the door, Xie Tao thinks this is necessary.

At that time, build a guard room next to the gate entrance, which is standard.

The overall environment in the club needs to be modified. This is an extra expense. In the end, plus the money needed to hire new employees, Xie Tao's unexpected wealth from the auction will almost be removed.

Before the construction team came over, Xia Qi had already finished several rounds of interviews, and successfully recruited a new childcare worker and an accountant who was responsible for managing finances.

Both of them are the aborigines of Gaia Star, the Saiwei, and the character passed the identification of Xia Qi, and Xie Zhen felt that he could still believe it. The accident is that the guard has not yet recruited, but this matter is not very urgent, Xie Zhen can wait.

"Probably need to build this style, is it okay?" Xie Wei placed a piece of paper in front of the person in charge of the construction team and pointed to the picture above.

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