Chapter 79

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Listening to the Saan's engineers entering the enthusiasm and overflowing mode, I'm praising how powerful this ark is. Xie Wei is now on board with the majestic Ark, like a huge fortress. Holding a curious attitude.

Although the Saan people could make this Ark ship visible, they could not start it, so all research was also studied under the static state of this warship.

Now that the Ark ship is launched, the ability of the warship to be discovered by its sleep is clearly demonstrated.

Being allowed to board the Ark ship in this launch, the Saan team of engineers almost immediately entered the state of ecstasy in the study.

They deliberately studied the defensive matrix and energy cover of the warship. After the satisfaction of the exploration, the Sain engineers thought from the bottom of their heart that the ark could be called an insurmountable barrier.

In addition to being able to strike the core weapon of the destruction of the planet, the other weapons loaded on the ark ship also make the battleship extremely powerful. For the enemy, this ark is undoubtedly a nightmare.

Walking on an aisle corridor of the Ark ship, the first thing that Xie Tao's mind emerged was actually a very unconcerned idea.

This ark is so big, it is so convenient to move and store. If Yayi is willing, if they want to take the young people in the club to other planets during the holiday, is it convenient?

You don't have to book a flight ticket for a business starship. They just took the private starship in the past... But the size of this ark is too big. Any misunderstanding and riots caused by other planets.

The above thoughts rushed past, and Xie Tao and Yai, who was next to him, walked into the command room of the battleship and walked to the round table. Xie's hand touched one of the control panels.

The Knox race is what the purpose of creating this Ark ship. This matter is now impossible to trace, but in combination with some things that have been learned since coming to the planet, Xie Tao feels that he may have encountered a vague point. the truth.

Asked about the Clariant's prophet about the Knox race, Xie Tao was very concerned about the "no time" that the Knox race said.

The golden light ball that links him to the world here says that he has tried to go back to the past to kill the roots that will lead to the destruction of the world, but even then, the future of the world will still lead to destruction.

What Xia Zuo thinks will lead to the destruction of the world is Yayi. Thanks to the final guidance given to him by the other party, he can analyze very contradictory information from here.

It is true that Yayi has done the destruction of the world in other parallel world lines. Perhaps this is the end of most world lines.

Then why, after Xiazo returned to the past to kill the other side, the world was still destroyed. Combining all the known information, Xie Tao can only come up with one of the most reasonable answers he thinks -The root cause that Xia Zuo thinks leads to the destruction of the world may be wrong. This root is not Yayi, but may be another enemy hiding deeper.

And this enemy, most likely, is to let the Knox race say "no time", the Knox race at that time may be because of what was found, so this sentence will be said...

Because of the enthusiasm of the Saan team of engineers, Yayi did not let the Ark ship go to sleep for a while, and promised to let the former continue to study for a few days.

With such speculation, Xie Zhen certainly had some sense of crisis.

The best match between the Stars and the Knox race is the Saen. He hopes to use the language to persuade the latter to believe his words, at least to keep the other party vigilant.

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