Chapter 120

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The raids of the enemy in the outer world came very suddenly. For all races living in this universe, this was a war that was sounded without warning.

Just before the sudden assault arrived, the entire interstellar space was still peaceful and calm, and Xie Tao was also accompanying the young people around him in the Yunbao branch.

"Ao Nie's control of the flame seems to be more and more stable?" Xie Wei held the black dragon cub holding the small jewel of the emerald color and held it in his arms. He lowered his head and looked at the cub.


Holding a small gem in the arms of the youth, the black dragon cubs voiced a response after hearing the words of the youth. The dragon wings that had been slightly on both sides of the body also moved.

It seems that I want to show it to the youth. This black dragon cub holds the green jewel with two front paws, flapping the dragon wing and flying in front of Xie, and then the young dragon makes a deep breathing action, spraying against the empty position. Spit a bit of a breath.

The dragon's interest lasted for a long time, drawing a beautiful flame color in the air.

Although this is compared with the dragon's dragon's interest, just like the gap between the fire of the original and the small light, for a young dragon, this has been very hard work.


After the spit and the dragon's breath, the black dragon cub fluttered the dragon wing and flew back to Xie Wei's arms. He looked up and looked like a golden golden eye with Xie Tao.

Xie Zhen raised his hand and touched the abdomen, which looks like a little abdomen. It is a cub. The dragon scales in this part are not so hard, with a little body temperature.

At the same time as Xie Wei touched the hand, he gave the black dragon cub an encouraging look. He praised: "Oni has been well controlled, and the dragon's interest is more powerful than before."

The dragon's vein, that is, the Kru's cubs are all capable of having a long-lasting spurt after the shell is born. This black dragon cub can't control its dark attribute ability before, in an occasional At the time, it will inadvertently spit out a little bit of interest.

This black dragon cub accidentally spits out the dragon's breath is a low probability event, much less than the previous control of the dark attribute ability, and now it has been able to stabilize control.

"No one wants to blame Orni before accidentally burning the table corner." Xie Wei adjusted his posture so that the black dragon cub in his arms faced other childcare workers in the hall, while the latter heard Xie Tao's words have been followed in the future.

"Yeah, O'Neill is a baby." I am afraid that this cub will remember this matter, and Xia Qi echoed in the first time.

That is, half a month ago, this black dragon cub was accidentally spit when it was near the table in the living room while flying with a few Kuti and Kuwei chubby cockroaches. After a little bit of interest, burnt a small piece of the corner of the table.

At that time, the black dragon cub did not continue to fly to other places, and stayed on the table and stared down at the burnt corner of the table. When Xie Tao walked over, the young dragon took his dragon. The wings are gathered together. At that time, Xie Tao also picked up this dragon baby and said that it doesn't matter, but this black dragon cub still seems to be doing the wrong thing, and the dragon wing will not move for a while.

Now that Xie Tao said this after praise and encouragement, and watching the reaction of other adults, this black dragon cub, who can control the dragon's interest, quickly moved his dragon wing.

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