Chapter 22

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The Knox cub was still in the arms of the young man, and now it has become a humanoid form in adulthood. Rao is the person in the Yunbao branch who has seen the adult form of the other party. Still can't help but be a little bit stunned. 

This is genuine, the last Knox in the entire interstellar...

From this point of view, everyone can see the other side of the face, only the side face is also very handsome. It's just that the contour lines and softness of this face can't be matched with the top, and the expression of the face is superficial, and the eyebrows are extraordinarily cold.

This good-looking face was slightly tight at this time, and Yayi slid his eyes down to the young human beings, watching, and he tightened the silver tail of the youthful waist slightly.

Looking at the silver tail of the active circle on the young waist, like what I finally remembered, Zalard's expression, which was originally just for breakfast in the house, changed several times, and finally settled in a kind of desire. The state of mind.

He finally remembered, about the tail of the Knox race...

Just as the dragon has a reverse scale, the tail has a special meaning in the Knox race, and like the reverse scale does not allow others to touch it at will.

There are only two exceptions to this situation -

One is the parents and the other is the partner.

In fact, in the Knox race, parents rarely touch the cubs at home, which is usually a common practice for a partner.

If an adult Knox allows another person to touch his tail in a pair of lovers who have not yet formally determined, then this is equivalent to accepting courtship.

Even the tail is willing to touch the other side, which shows that this Knox must have liked this person.

If it is not these two exceptions, someone deliberately touched it, then this person's end will definitely not be too good.

After all, the Knox race's tail has considerable attack power in adulthood, even if it is the most skinny and thick Moye in the interstellar, it will be enough to squat.

I remember that many years ago, some people didn't know how to try this thing. The result was almost abandoned by the adult Knox who entered the battle. Fortunately, he also left a huge psychological shadow.

Since then, this taboo of the Knox race has spread in the interstellar, and all races will pay close attention to this when they are in contact with the Knox race.

Now, in front of Zarad's eyes, he said that he did not give the Knox race to the tail, but he took the initiative to put his tail on the waist of another person...

This is really a scene that is inconceivable, and Zarad is now even a little suspicious of his own eyes.

As mentioned before, many alien races don't even know what a "cold fever" is, and the Knox race will undoubtedly be one of the alien races.

Therefore, in the eyes of Yayi, the human youth held by him suddenly fell down for no reason.

Just because he didn't understand the reason, Yai, who saw the young man suddenly falling into a coma, tightened his body, and the cockroaches in the pale green squat were slightly tightened. In addition to encircling the silver tail of the young man, this silver-haired Knox's body shows a dangerous message similar to combat.

Despite receiving such a message, I saw that the young man fell ill before his eyes, and Xia Qi was the first to rush.

"Sure enough, it is a fever..." Xia Qi reached out and explored Xie's forehead. Without accident, she found that the forehead was hot, and the temperature was higher than the normal body temperature of human beings.

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