Chapter 36

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A few people in front of the filming were filming, watching the cubs watching, and no one noticed the small accident that occurred behind. 

Because the waist was circled and stabilized, I found myself being shackled by a silver tail and was still hugged by the owner of the tail. Xie Wei did not react at all. As a result, he was currently surrounded by the other side. The posture will be maintained for a while.

The young people who were encircled did not move, and Yayi did not speak, and lowered his eyes, quietly continuing to hold people.

But thinking of the sudden panic that appeared in the eyes of the young man, he slightly tightened the silver tail of the youthful waist, creating a very safe environment.

When I finally reacted, Xie Tao's reflexive hand reached the silver tail circled on his waist. The cool touch of the ice made Xie Tao completely return to God and saw the current situation.

"...put me down." He coughed, and Xie Yan said this with a subtle expression.

It's not awkward. After all, when the other party became a cub, Xie Wei was able to get on and touch it. Once, he also kissed the fluffy forehead in order to appease.

In Xie Yi's subconscious mind, this Knox did not feel any wrong with his closeness in the form of cubs. Although he would be conscious of the adult form, the familiarity of his heart still slightly diluted this feeling.

After Xie Tao finished the sentence, he did feel the feeling of walking on the ground very quickly. The only thing... the silver tail was half a circle on his waist.

Unlike the fluffy little tails of the pups, this silver tail now has an icy cold metal texture, like the dragon tail of the silver dragon, which looks very aggressive.

This tail didn't wrap around his waist as it was just now, but only half a circle, which made Xie Tao think that this Knox also liked to put that little fluffy in the shape of the cub. The tail half hooked on his wrist, and suddenly he was able to understand and accept the situation at hand.

Not much thought, Xie Yan reached out and touched the silver tail that was half a circle on his waist.

The cool touch of the ice is very obvious. It just happened to be warmer recently. During the day, it will even be a little hot under the sun. This makes Xie Tao almost unable to hold back and touch a few times.

Of course, Xie Tao finally controlled his hand. After touching it on the silver tail, he pushed the tail slightly outward, indicating that the other party could not be circled.

This extremely aggressive, silver-tailed ring that is dangerous to others is very docile when it is worn on the young waist. It can even be said to be obedient when it is touched by young and young, and this silver tail The owner is also doing the same at this time.

It was not until the tail was pushed forward by the youth that the silver tail was moved back by its owner. The requirements of the youth were quickly obeyed, but the silver tail seemed to hang down after returning to its normal position. I can see the mood of this Knox from the tail. This is what Xie Tao discovered during this time. Although I can't see any expression from the other side's face, it is easy to recognize the emotion through the tail.

It's a pleasure to slightly lift the tail, and it's nice to gently lick his back with his tail, and it's certainly not a happy performance to hang his tail slightly down like this.

The eyes, which are lighter in color and extraordinarily cool, still park their sight on him. Xie Wei walks a step closer and touches the silver hair of this adult Knox like a baby.

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