Chapter 74

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Can't be a qualified parent.

From Zarad, I heard the answer from the set of words, and Xie's eyelids on the left side jumped.

Xie Tao can almost understand Morrison's mentality. The other party does not love this Riley cub, and it is not unwilling to adopt it. He is not satisfied with himself and thinks that he is not suitable as the parent of this cub.

But if you look at it with Xie Tao's eyes, there is no doubt that the other party as a parent must be on the standard line in his eyes.

It was decided by the other party to save the cub from such a dangerous battlefield, and then took care of it, and the cubs were well cared for, and the other party was qualified.

If Morrison can be adopted to adopt this Riley cub, Xie Zhen believes that it will help the youngster to overcome the psychological obstacles left by the war.

"Who is the baby writing on this?" Xie Wei went down to pick up the white paper that was graffitied by Riley's cub with a colored pen and asked the cub standing next to the paper. .

Intentionally asked, when the voice fell, Xie Wei saw this fluffy Raleigh cub go to him and take another step.


While waving a crisp sound, the fins are constantly swung up and down. From the bright eyes, this little cub is obviously a very important person.

After listening to the cub, the voice was very tender. Xie Wei looked at the Riley cub and then used the pointed bird to hold the colored pen and graffitied on the white paper he put down.

These colored pens and papers are the ones that Xie Tao used to bring to these cubs as toys in the moment. If you want to let the cubs write and draw, you should use the props in the world here.

When the nurses of the Yunbao Branch usually teach the intercultural linguistics of the cubs, they will distribute the sensor boards to the cubs, so that the cubs can write and deepen the memory.

What is the graffiti painting of the cub, Xie Tao looked at, similar to the kindergarten style of his teenage baby in the original world.

But the lines are a bit more awkward, after all, no sensor board is used.

On the white paper, in addition to the letters "papa", there is now a tall stickman next to the blank space.

This stickman has no left hand, two polka-like eyes are brown, and the head is also brown hair. There is a small group of small figures that can't see the specific shape on the side of the stickman. There are two black eyes. The small round group and the stickman next to it are close together and look very intimate.

Although it was really a very rough graffiti, Xie Tao picked up this white paper and looked down at the painting while he couldn't help but reach out and touch the head of this Riley cub.

This graffiti is not difficult to understand. Several characteristics of the stickman correspond to Morrison. Xie Yi knows who this cub is.

"This is papa, this is baby, isn't it?" Xie Wei pointed his finger at the stickman and the round group on the white paper, and pointed it out with a statement tone to raise his head and look at his Riley cub. Words.

"咕~"With a response, the short tail behind the Riley cub shook left and right. It's like getting the body up, and the soft belly that the baby's original hair has become more conspicuous, watching people want to reach out and touch two.

Compared to the small group of balls, the stickman on the white paper was painted very tall.

Xie Tao thinks that this is the image of Morrison in the heart of this young child.

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