Chapter 113

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The loud noise of the blast, not to mention that the examiner who was about one meter away from the transparent crystal ball in the room was horrified, and other candidates waiting for the number plate outside the room were also given this sudden sound. Scared, at this time, outside the room, facing each other. 

This kind of thing that is not expected, the group of candidates waiting for the test will inevitably have some commotion, and some people look at the room where the sound is heard and the person next to it whispers.

Although Xie Tao was closest to the suspended crystal ball, the crystal ball did not affect him when he split it. Most of the dusty parts made him turn his head and cough twice.

In the process, the examiner sitting in the seat also put his hand on the frame of the round glasses, through this transparent lens, you can see the brown eyes of the goblin examiner.

It seems that I still can't believe it. The goblin examiner hurriedly picked up the round glasses on the bridge of his nose and quickly wiped it twice. When he put it on again, his eyes were bigger than before.

The crystal ball they used to test the mental power, broken off -? !

The goblin examiner is not very accepting of this fact, but the transparent pieces scattered on the ground clearly show that this is what really happened.

The entire building is covered with safety monitoring and accidents, and such a loud noise can almost trigger the system's primary alert state.

"Sparto, you are here -"

The examiners who were sitting in other rooms in a formal distraction came over here. I wanted to ask what happened. I came in and saw a transparent piece of ground that broke the ground. The voice of the person suddenly stopped. .

The squint of the goblin examiner showed a similar expression, and the few people who entered the room from the small door that the staff could pass through were now a little bit stunned, and the line of sight stopped on the ground.

How is this crystal ball broken...

Even if the suspension device suddenly broke down, in terms of material, the crystal ball could not be broken up, and what they just heard was not the sound of something falling.

When they slammed open, they thought that something in this room had exploded and exploded. The result was the crystal ball.

Looking up at the other people who seemed to be shocked, Xie Tao used Yu Guangyu to look at the pieces on the ground, even if he glued it to the original, and raised his hand to touch his nose.

The examiner just said that he entered the mental power and he did it.

When a small crack appeared on the surface of the crystal ball, Xie Zhen had hesitated to stop, but because the examiner sitting in front did not say stop, he did not stop.

Xie Tao did not expect that this crystal ball would explode before he passed the mental power.

The horror of the youth input mental power can actually make this crystal ball blast, but the goblin race's persistent nature of money makes this goblin examiner feel the first pain in the moment of reaction.

This is polished with natural Helda crystal, a crystal ball worth more than one million credits! Hilda Crystal will have an intuitive response to the received mental power, and a person's mental level can be tested according to the reaction.

The more natural, the higher the purity of the Helda crystal, the more accurate the response to mental energy, because such special functions combined with its own low production, high purity Helda crystal is undoubtedly very expensive.

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