Chapter 7

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As said earlier, Gaia Star is a famous trade planet, and on a trading planet, the most important is the auction houses of all sizes. 

When inquiring about all aspects of information to Xia Qi, Xie Wei did not leave a trace of words in the way of ordinary chat, to avoid showing his abnormalities in common sense.

It is also in this set of words that Xie Tao knows that there is a "star network" in the world, which is equivalent to the nature of the Internet on the earth, but it is more powerful in function.

In the office where Xie Tao had just applied for a job, there was an old-style light brain. I just found a reason to borrow it. Xie Tao used the old-style light brain that looked like an ostrich egg to get a lot of information he needed.

Just browsing the information quickly, it didn't take long for Xie Wei to swipe the finger of the virtual screen and his eyes stopped on a line of text -

[Qi Zhen Plant Auction]

There are seven trade planets in the interstellar world, each with its own characteristics. The most well-known point of Gaia Star is that the planet often holds special auctions that are not available on other trade planets.

These special auctions, such as the "Qianzhen Plant Auction" that Xie Tao now sees, are not widely distributed, but there are various connoisseurs in StarCraft. Such special auctions are for the corresponding connoisseurs. It is tantamount to a carnival.

It can be said that as long as it is a connoisseur who is active in the circle of Qizhen plant appreciation, it will never miss the auction of Gaia Star.

There are countless differences in the worlds on both sides, including biological species. Knowing this, Xie Tao couldn't help but see the auction.

If some plants on the earth get the world here, maybe it can be considered rare and rare?

Roughly on the star network to view the common common plants in the world here, Xie Tao has a general idea in his mind.

The potted plants in the back yard of the house fell to the ground before, and it took a lot of time to clean up. It was also troublesome to go out and buy a new potted plant. Xie Tao finally put his eyes on the bonanzas that survived the window sill of his house.

Holding a mentality of trying not to lose, Xie Tao returned to the earth to pick a pot of meat toot, looks like a pink lotus, brought to the world.

The auction was held only a week later. Xie Tao did not know what the rules of the auction in this world were. He could only take an hour off with Xia Qi and personally look at it.

Xia Qi did not ask Xie Tao to go out on time to do what he wanted to do. He nodded and agreed after listening.

Holding a pot of meat that he brought from the earth, Xie Wei walked on the map route he had found on the Star Network and successfully reached the auction house he was looking for.

Before the auction was officially held, the auction house called Soma was willing to continue to accept the commission. Of course, in order to guarantee the quality of the auction, this Soma auction house invited a professional connoisseur to set the threshold for the appraisers.

The threshold is very high, and the condition that the quantity is scarce is not enough. The rare plants that can be on the exhibition stand are basically variants. They are specially cultivated and have only a very low probability to be born. The entrusted object was sent to the inside to identify whether it was qualified. After the waiter came out from inside and said a few words in the ear of another staff member, Xie Tao saw the polite manner on the face of the staff member who received him. The smile seems to have deepened again.

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