Chapter 128

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During this trip with Muka's cubs to Seine, Xie Tao fully felt the development of the Muka planet and the race itself.

The Muka people are also a wise race. In the future, there will be a day when they can advance into a humanoid form. Xie Zhen is convinced of this.

This kind of evolution may only appear in a very small number of individuals at first, but through time, the entire group will complete this transformation.

"Nick's humanoid form doesn't know what it would be like?" He has returned to the Yunbao branch from Seine Star. At this time, Xie Tao raised his hand in the living room and touched the sharp forearm of the Muka cub in front of him. The voice when speaking this sentence is exceptionally gentle.

Although in another world line, Xie Tao saw that this Muka cub after growing up did not advance into a humanoid form, but it might be different in this world line.

There are so many things changing in the world here, and a change can trigger a whole chain of reactions. Xie Tao has hopes and expectations for what he said in his speech.


Muka, who heard the words of the young man, cried his head, and then made a low-pitched snoring to Xie Yu's arms and bowed.

Other babies will have a humanoid form when they grow up. Even if they are still a cub, this Muka cub has a certain awareness of this matter.

But when it grows up, it just becomes bigger and bigger, and the overall shape will not change much.

Because it is a natural fighting race, in terms of the combat effectiveness of the adult form, the Muka cubs usually want to grow up faster. The Muka cub in front of Xie Tao naturally has the same idea. .

In fact, with the development of the Muka people in recent years, this ethnic instinct is weakening weakly in the Muka people day by day, but there are still reservations.

The combative power of the humanoid form may not be as strong. After hearing the words of Xie Tao, this Muka cub instinctively distinguishes this matter.

But when I feel the expectations expressed in the youth discourse, this Muka cub seems to be hesitant. On the one hand, when I grow up, I have more powerful combat power to protect the youth. On the other hand, I want to respond to the youth's expectations.

The cub bowed his head and bowed. Xie's left hand was placed on the head of the Muka cub with a hard outer shell. After touching the top, he tried his best to open the hand and hug this one. Cub.

When Xie Taogang met this young cub, the Muka cub was already six months old, and it was the size that Xie Tao could not hold.

Until now, Xie Tao has not picked up this Muka cub as if he was holding other cubs. He can only open his hand and hold the other side as much as possible.

I was not able to hold each other while this Muka cub or the baby who was just born with a broken shell. This thing from Xie Tao first went to Seine to save the eight Muka cubs and witness those Mu When the card baby was born, he felt sorry in his heart.

If this Muka cub can advance the humanoid form during the cub period, although it is very unlikely that this thing will happen, Xie Zhen can't help but think so. In the hall, I watched the cubs together with other childcare workers. When Xie was not around the cubs, but when they were playing together, they took out a carved wooden box from their pockets.

Open this small wooden box, you can see two large ice-blue scales lying in the carved wooden box.

These two ice-blue scales are from the same mermaid, but they are only the mermaid in different world lines. The small one is the first scale that the mermaid cub falls from the Nicholas not far away. The piece that was given to him by Xie Tao after he met and grew up in another world line.

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