Chapter 14

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This Kuti cub is willing to speak out after being hugged by the youth. It is a surprise enough for parents who are worried and concerned about each other.

When Fuya took the cubs from the house to take care of the cubs, the Kuti cubs were not very vocal, especially after the nurses took them from her arms. It's a bit of a sound that won't be sent

The cubs showed a silent contradiction, but as a parent, Fuya felt distressed and could not help with this situation.

However, now she heard a cub from the house and was still facing the young man who had carried it.

Perhaps this does not mean anything, but in the eyes of Fuya, this is already a good start.

"Then my family will ask you." Did not cover up the joy shown on his face, Fuya nodded to the people in front of him, and said the tone of the sentence is more sincere.

The Kuti cub in her arms kept looking at her parents and left. Xie Tao thought that this cub had just left the parents and could not adapt to a strange new environment, so he raised his hand and touched it. This small wing of Kuti's young girl, bent down and said, "Baby, I will take you to know other small companions in the club. Are you going to live together?"

Although I didn't want to touch this new environment, the young question was like a scorn, and the Kuti cub who was held in his arms could not refuse.

There was no response, but this Kuti cub was still willing to let Xie Tao hold it, and the black eyes of Xie Yu looked at Xie Zhen's face. In fact, it was agreed.

There are new cubs, and the dozens of cubs in the house have not shown any obvious emotions to this newly added Kudiao cub. Most of them only show a little curiosity when they first saw it, and then they all I quickly accepted the addition of this new baby.

Originally, this Kuti pup was just shrunk back when she was let down, and she did not want to get close to other cubs, but found that other cubs did not show any rejection of it. Only Kuti's cubs suddenly settled in the same place as a chicken.

But not long after stopping in the place, this Kuti cub suddenly felt a hand patted its back feather gently from behind, and it turned back to see Xie Zhen's lower body, and said softly to it: "Baby used to Let's go."

It seems to be encouraged by the gentle tapping on the back feathers. This Kuti pups first inadvertently fluttered its wings, and then, according to Xie Tao, slowly approached the other cubs.

"Oh." When he succeeded to go to other places where the young cubs were waiting, the Kuti cub suddenly turned around and raised his head and thanked Xie.

What does this performance of the cub mean? The other people in the room only thought that the cub had adapted to the new environment, so they didn't pay much attention to it or think about it.

But thank you for understanding. "Well, the baby is very embarrassed." Going over, kneeling down, Xie Xiao slightly bent his eyebrows, and stretched out his index finger and gently clicked on the cashmere's forehead.

This cub is actually hoping to be encouraged. Xie Tao sees this.

As long as the adults can give enough encouragement, this Kuti cub will actually try to get in touch with the new environment. What Xie Tao has to do is to praise it with words, so that this young cub can have a little more courage.

"Hey!" Hearing the praise, this Kuti cub suddenly snorted again, and the black eyes were looking at Xie Wei. The chest was a little round and the chest was quite a bit.

In addition to the Kuti people, the cubs of the two races of Kuwei and Cotto are similar to the form of birds, but the color of the villi is different. The cubs of the Kuwei's are yellow-yellow, while the cubs of the Kuto have gray velvet. feather.

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