Chapter 73

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The reason why the battle of Kesoxing could end so soon, the insiders of the Star Alliance Department knew that Morrison had made the first contribution in this battle. 

For this war, in addition to sending regular troops, the military also intends to send special troops to go, Morrison took the initiative to take over the task.

The regular army rushed to support for the first time, and when the special forces were put into action, the battlefield at the time was quite fierce.

The large-scale vicious attack broke out in the new town of Kesoxing. The fire ignited the sky of the city. The destroyed areas of the city were filled with black smoke. The bombing and blasting sounds almost stopped. The next moment.

For the time being, the two armies couldn't take advantage of it. The war was a mess. The city was ravaged. In just a few days, the city has been destroyed beyond recognition.

When I came to Kesuoxing to see the horror of this place, even the soldiers with good psychological quality could not help but change their expressions. If they did not destroy the enemy as soon as possible, the number of innocent casualties in the city would increase dramatically at a terrible speed. Trying to create horrible enemies in the interstellar will achieve their goals.

According to the intelligence, Morrison decided to lead a special force to attack the enemy's rear after learning about the situation.

It can be imagined that this is a very risky action, but it is known from the intelligence that the enemy leader is staying behind, and the enemy's main force is temporarily restrained by oneself. Morrison did not hesitate to start the action.

The special unit is an elite squad. The members of the team all have mutated abilities. With the one-minute invisibility of teammates attached to them, Morrison sneaked into the house where the enemy leader was.

In the palm of his hand, he smashed the dagger. Morrison waited for his teammates to attract firepower from outside and took a part of the guards in the house.

Sneak into the house, Morrison's stealth time is only the last seventeen seconds.

But the teammates did not live up to his trust, and a few seconds after he prepared for the assassination, there was a commotion outside the house.

Five seconds.

Holding the breath almost reached the limit, aiming at the man's neck in the seat, Morrison found the largest gap in the remaining guards in the room, rushing out like a cheetah swift and fierce.

In one instant, the dagger in the hand cuts the throat of the target prey, and the next second Morrison fills the dagger into the other's heart.

The stealth state is released in the same second, and the gunshots are almost at the same time.

While sneaking in and thinking about the escape route, Morrison immediately broke through the window, and those bullets that had been rushed to shoot could not hit him.

The signal was released to the companion to retreat. Morrison also fled to the enemy's weaker direction. He had to go to the setting coordinates of the transmission ring, which is almost two kilometers away from his current position.

"What?" The communicator in the ear rang, Morrison immediately asked.

The words from the communicator are very anxious, with a gasp: "The chase does not chase us, it seems to go to your side, maybe you want to catch you, you hurry to the ring. "Sure enough, the people who are chasing after him seem to be gradually increasing. Morrison cut off the communication and concentrated on dealing with attacks that evaded the rear.

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